Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tulip Festival

Cruz and I headed to the Tulip Festival located at Thanksgiving Point. We met Grandma R, K Carpenter, and Pauline. It was a nice ladies and one little man day out. The tulips were gorgeous and there were thousands of them. These aren't great pictures of Cruz, but oh well!

Little Man looks a little chunky here!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Warm Weather!

We had a beautiful spring day in Utah today. Cruz and I went to the Draper Park again to enjoy the swings and the interaction with some fellow friends. I put Cruz in the sand pit, but he wasn't too sure about the sand. He kept trying to eat it and he wasn't sure about touching it. I met my friend at the park and she introduced me to a bunch of other moms with their children. Cruz took a liking to one boy, but actually it wasn't the boy that he liked but rather his radio flyer toy. You can see from the pictures Cruz was pushing him around the park.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Basket of Fun!

I mentioned in an earlier blog that we are getting a new roof. Well, a couple of weeks back roofers came and tore off all of our shingles and put this tar paper on our roof. We knew the supplies for our roof wouldn't be in for a week or so, but the main roofer didn't think that would be a problem. We have received a lot of rain and snow in the last week and a half. We emailed our point of contact saying we were concerned with all the moisture and no real roof. He said not to worry. Thursday night when I went into the playroom to pick Cruz up to put him to bed, I noticed my sock became saturated. The new carpet in the playroom was extremely wet. Shawn and I determined it was watering coming in from the roof, running down the drywall, and pooling on the floor. To make a long story short, the roofers came on Friday to repair the tar paper in certain areas, and cross our fingers, I think our roof will be put on on Monday. The roofing company is going to take care of the damages to the playroom area. So, we pulled all Cruz's toys and baskets out of the playroom for the time being. Yesterday, Cruz decided to get into one of his toy boxes. I tried to capture it as best I could with the camera, both Shawn and I were in stitches.

We also worked in our yard a lot yesterday too. Shawn rented an aerator and a power rake. By the end of the day we had huge piles all over our yard of raked up dead grass. Cruz was in his car monitoring the entire process. At one point he pushed his car into one of the piles and then got out and decided to sit right in the middle of the pile. He is sooooo funny!

Shawn's Uncle Frank and Aunt Linda were in town visiting Fran, Steph, and Wyatt. The gang brought some pizza over to our house to visit and check out the new pad. I forgot to take pictures but hopefully I get some from Linda or Fran to post later. Wyatt and Cruz had fun playing. All the boys had fun playing and watching Fran's remote control car.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Up To No Good! :)

Cruz trying to grab the camera from my hands!
I was laughing at Cruz so hard this morning. I dropped him off at the gym daycare while I got a little workout in. Luckily, keep my fingers crossed, he is fine when I drop him off. When I went back in to get him, I looked and he was near the back of the room where all the bigger kids watch movies. He was propped up behind the girls and he was going in for the attack, to pull her hair. It was so funny, I was just watching his little hand go in for the kill. He loves other kids.

Later today we went to the Draper Park. I have had a hard time finding a park that has baby swings. He had so much fun in the swing, he was giggling, and rocking the swing. Some big kids came over and started to swing on the swings across from him. He was intently watching how they pump their legs and move their backs to get higher....our little imitator started to do what the big kids were doing. I was very impressed. He loves to play and watch other kids. He is so much fun to be with.Just hanging out on the swing

Friday, April 18, 2008


"Boatin"' is a Utah term for, "going on a boat in the water and waterskiing, wakeboarding, or pretty much anything." Lets just say, Shawn is not a fan of the term. Cruz has this little boat in his play room that he loves to go in and rock back and forth. If he gets daring he even stands up and rocks it back and forth. It is soooo funny to watch him. He moves the gear stick back and forth, he honks the horn, he turns the wheel, and he even puts toys and drinks in the back compartment. I like to say to Cruz, "you going boatin'?"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Rebecca!

Tomorrow is my sisters birthday. She has to work tomorrow night, so the family went to dinner tonight to celebrate. I love my little sister Rebecca so much. For being 6 years apart, we have always been extremely close...I don't know if that is because of my immaturity and her maturity or what. She is such a talented, beautiful, and smart young lady. She will be embarrassed that I am writing this, but I want her to know how much I love and adore her. If you haven't been to her blog, she is also a very excellent writer. She puts anything I write to shame. Her writing is so witty and smart, I love to read her things. Anyway, Happy Birthday Rebecca from the 3 Fryes.

Regarding the weather in Utah, it has been crazy. If you can see in the above pictures, it was snowing. On Monday it was 80 degrees and sunny but by Tuesday it was 34 degrees and snowy.....and even more snow today. I got lucky and was able to hit the slopes with my mom for a few hours today while grandpa watched Cruz. The weather, snow conditions, and look, all felt like mid January...crazy!

Eatin' Apples

I was eating an apple the other day and when I got close to being done with it, I gave it to Cruz. I thought he would just play with it, but he ate it all the way down to the core. Now, I quickly eat all the skin off of an apple and then give it to him. He LOVES chomping into the apple.

Monday, April 14, 2008


We think Cruz is saying his first word, "Hello"! It doesn't exactly sound like the way we say hello, but every time he picks up our cell phones, he yells...hewwooo into the phone....can you count a word when you are not totally sure what they are saying? Who knows, but I think we are going to count hello as his first word!! Cruz has really been jabbering up a storm lately, and it seems that he knows what he is saying. He also is waving again, bye bye, when he feels like it. We are trying to get him to do, "so big!" and he does this sometimes too. To get attention he likes to take his finger and run it up and down over his lips and make noise. He gets a big kick out of this. He likes to bit me, which isn't so fun. We have tried to say, "no bite". That doesn't seem to work too well. Then one time I started to fake cry and he started crying to, but then bite me again, so that didn't really work. Any suggestions?

We had a fun weekend. We went to our friends house that live up in the mountains. Shawn pulled Cruz the 4 miles up hill, what a stud! I skinned up next to them, but only pulled about 100 yards :). Shawn had fun doing a big jump that Marc had built. Daddy got some massive air, pictures to come. It was getting late so we decided to ski back down to the car...one major problem...the snow had set up already and there were 4 wheeler tracks in it, cat tracks in it...to say the least, it was so hard to slow down and get into a snow plow because the snow was hard as ice. Shawn actually tipped Cruz's little chariot once, but no need to fear, Cruz was o.k. We were all happy to get down to the bottom....our legs were on fire.

We also worked in the yard a little bit. My mom came over to help me prune some rose bushes. We have a whole row of rose bushes in the back of our yard that are so out of control. We were going to try and get to those, but it was a little overwhelming. We decided to hit the other bushes in the yard first. The back rose bushes might be a next year project!!!

Today roofers came to tear of our roof. When we purchased the home we didn't know the roof was in bad condition. We could repair the few places that have bad shingles, but all the roofers we got quotes from said we would have to replace the roof in a year or 2 anyway. I hate picking colors on a house that have a major impact on the look and feel of the house....it scares me to death because I don't want to ruin the look and it isn't a cheap thing to fix...so I am a bit of a nervous wreck today hoping we picked a good roof color~

I know this is kind of boring to read and I didn't attach any pictures. My blog for all intense purposes is our family journal. I plan on printing it into a bound book each year to keep track of our memories. So, I am trying to write about all the things that takes place in our lives.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gondola and Concert

Shawn and Cruz before the big ride
On the gondola
Yesterday afternoon the 3 of us drove up to Park City to the Canyons Ski Resort. They were having a free concert in their main plaza area. In order to get to the main plaza you park down below and ride a standing gondola to the plaza area. Cruz enjoyed the ride even though it was a little chilly. On the ride up we could hear Rusted Root, the band, rocking out. There were lots of people and dogs out on the plaza. Cruz was just looking around at everything. I was surprised at how many people were there, it was a really cool scene. Hope you enjoyed your first concert Cruz!!! "Don't mind me, I am just chillin' back here on my dads back."
Family Picture

Saturday, April 5, 2008

11 months

I can't believe our baby is almost a year old. In so many ways it seems like yesterday, then at the same time, in so many ways it seems like a life time ago when we didn't have Cruz in our lives. We love our little man so much. He is so funny. He loves to laugh and he loves to play with all of his toys. He loves to get in this little boat we have and rock it back and forth. He loves to put his mouth on your face and blow, he has realized it makes a funny noise. Unfortunately, he also is really into biting. He will come up to our legs and just take a chomp. We are in a little bit of a quandry of how to teach him that is NOT o.k. For his 11 month birthday, he got a puzzle from his Frye Grandparents. I think he likes it, as you can tell from the pictures.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just chillin'

Cruz has been getting his foot up through his leg whole in his chair. It is so funny to see his foot pop out on the table when he is eating.