Sunday, July 31, 2016


We went up to Idaho this weekend.  We had fun on the lake and both girls got up on the ski board! The first day Lexi was fearless and did it before Alegra but then on the second day on the lake she got dragged her first attempt at trying for the day and that ruined it. I hope she will get up next time we go out!!



 Cruz and Alegra building sand castles!

 Starting out in the water!
 Cruz wakebaording!

 Grammy taking care of Lexi and feeding her popcorn on the boat :)
 This is a picture from Shawn's early morning bike ride-that turned into a 7 hour ordeal and I was so close to calling search and rescue!!!!

BUTLERVILLE DAYS (photo off of Shawns phone)

Photos off of Shawns phone when the Frye's were in town

 We hiked Mt. Olympus!

 Also Cecret Lake!

4th of July pics from Shawn's phone

This is a month late but I just got some good photos off of Shawn's phone from the 4th of July week up in Idaho with all the Raddons!

 Campout pics!!