Thursday, September 19, 2019


 Alegra didn't have a game last Saturday so she was able to play with Lexi's team. It is so fun to see them on the field together!!!

My babies that aren't babies anymore!

 My babies are getting hit me after church a couple of weeks ago, so I had to snap a few pictures.

Garbage Can

Lexi and Shawn made a custom garbage can for Lexi's room. Lexi is VERY proud of it!!!

Dress Up

We ordered a halloween sweater for Olive and it came last week.  Alegra had fun putting it on her and then adding one of her skirts.....not so sure Olive liked it!!!


Girls Night out to Cinderella at Hale Center Theater.  Thanks Grammy for such a fun night!!!

 Lexi had a fun time taking about a million pictures of grammy on my phone :)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Carpenters 60th wedding anniversary party!

 So fun to get to celebrate with the Carpenters on their 60th wedding anniversary.  I was asked to come and take some pictures. How cool to celebrate 60 years!!!!

Swan Valley for Labor Day

 Saturday on the lake was glorious!!!!

 Lexi tried to ski and she got up for bit!

 Cruz got up on 1 ski and surfed!
 Sunday we went to church in the morning and then we floated the Teton River in the afternoon.
 We saw 2 moose while floating, that was fun!

 Cahoon's (Esme's family) was at their place in Victor so they joined us at the lake and then for floating the river.

 Sleepy girl, so sweet!

Can't get enough of Baby Vaughn!