Monday, October 29, 2007

First Bike Ride

Saturday October 27th Cruz took his first bike ride with his mom and dad. Shawn pulled him in the Chariot trailer and I rode behind the boys. We bought a helmet for Cruz and it fit pretty good before we put him in the Chariot. The way his head rests in the Chariot, it caused the helmet to push forward therefore the helmet was over his eyes most of the ride. He is such a good boy though, no crying! We had a fun fall ride, 15 miles for Cruz, hopefully the first of many rides for the Frye family!


Christa said...

How fun to check you guys out over the internet since we never see you!!! He is getting so big. I got your message and would love to get together. Thursday I'm busy, but friday would be good. Do you want to take the strollers, bikes or maybe a hike? Whatever sounds good to you!!

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a fun family activity! What a lucky kid - with parents like you and Shawn, he'll be winning all sorts of medals in skiing, triathalons, marathons, etc. by the time he's in kindergarten! I love your blog!!

Carrie said...

Good to hear you are getting out on the road again! Would love to ride with the three of you sometime. Give us a call. Carrie
P.S. love the blog. look forward to watching Cruz grow.