Friday, January 11, 2008

33 reasons to be grateful......

So instead of dwelling on my age and how old I feel I am getting, I decided to write a list of 33 reasons why I am so blessed!
1. an amazing husband
2. a wonderful son
3. being blessed with a body to carry and give birth to a child
4. the use of my limbs and muscles to participate in the activities that I want
5. being overall healthy so far
6. family close by
7. wonderful parents who love me
8. my family-present and extended
9. kind in-laws
10. a sharp mind (maybe some people wouldn't agree :))
11. my senses
12. a warm home
13. food to eat
14. clothes to keep me warm
15. money to do fun activities once in a while
16. great friends
17. good books to read
18. good movies to watch
19. my curiosity
20. the opportunity I have to stay home with my son-that should be higher up there on the list because I love it!
21. the swim lessons I take with my son
22. watching Cruz sleep
23. Watching Cruz explore things
24. a car to drive
25. heat in our home
26. traveling that we have done this past year
27. having the time to hang out with Shawn and Cruz
28. my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father
29. my love of learning
30. my camera to capture wonderful moments
31. having a phone to keep in touch
32 my MAC computer
33. hopefully 66 more years of this wonderful thing called LIFE!

1 comment:

Wendy Toliver said...

Kelly, you're catching up to me in old age! LOL. This is a great list and was a fun post to read. :)