Friday, February 8, 2008


Cruz and I flew to Denver this evening. For the next 7 days I am going to be the mother of 5, yikes! My brother Russ won a trip through his company to Hawaii. I came out to tend Russ and Ali's 4 children, ranging in ages from 9 to 2, plus Cruz. I think I am going to have my hands full. Actually the two oldest, Georgia and Macy are old enough to help. Then there is Grant who is 4 and Walt who is almost 3. It will be a good experience for me. The kids are so in love with their cousin Cruz, I think he is going to get lots of attention this week. Cruz did really well on the plane. We were actually on the plane 45 minutes longer than we were supposed to be due to airport delays. He didn't cry or anything he just moved around the whole time. He is such a busy body.

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