Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had our typical morning, wake up, breakfast, and THEN....Cruz saw some of the toys that were sitting out. He LOVES his bike and his new tool bench. He really would have been perfectly happy with just those 2 gifts, in fact, we had to remove the bike so he would try and focus on opening up some of his other gifts. He got lots of fun animals, books, a shaving kit to be like daddy, and some of Shawn's old toys! Overall, a wonderful Christmas....I feel so blessed to be able to even have the money to buy Cruz some gifts. We have a warm home, food to eat, and blessed we really are!!

We went over to my moms and it was mass chaos, but Cruz loved it!

Grant got a skateboard and helmet for Christmas. Cruz really wanted to do it, I actually think he thought he was doing it. He put the helmet on all by himself and stood on the skateboard, granted the skateboard was upside down, but he was still skating!!!! :)

I made my mom a book of all of her and my dads travels over the past 5 years. It was a big project but I really enjoyed doing it. I gathered her itineraries and did the best I could organizing the pictures. We all had a good cry as we flipped through the pages!

1 comment:

Catherine Raney - Norman said...

I love his pj's! Yo ucan only pull those off for so long.