Saturday, March 21, 2009

We love Spring!

It was about 70 degrees today and beautiful...a little on the windy side, but that didn't interfere too much with all of our activities. We worked in the yard for a bit this morning and then the 3 of us decided to go on a hike. We hiked to a peak near our isn't an official trail so we were following deer tracks most of the way up....about 2/3's of the way up we did hook into a small trail. It was nice to find that because it made getting down a little easier. Shawn did some skiing during nap time and then later in the day we met Fran, Steph, Wyatt, and Walker at Wheeler Farms. The 2 boys had a blast seeing all the animals and running around (Walker slept the whole time :)). We finished the day with some yummy food at Lonestar Taquira. A day doesn't get much better!

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