Sunday, May 10, 2009


So, Cruz is going to be a big brother!! We went to the doctor on Friday afternoon and as of today, I am 11 weeks pregnant, yippee!!! My official due date is Sunday, November 29, 2009. Since I went into labor on my due date with Cruz, I have a feeling we will be pretty close to that date. You never know with these little people, they can have a mind of their own too. I just told Shawn I hope I can make it through Thanksgiving! We had a little frustration with our Friday appointment. I had obviously been looking forward to go in for my first appointment with the doctor. My mom was watching Cruz for us and Shawn had to take off work a little early. We walked into the reception center for my doctors group and the receptionist looked at us like we were crazy. I said I had a 4:00 p.m. appointment and that I had an auto confirmation call last night confirming the appointment. To my disappointment all the doctors were out of the office. My doctor must have taken the day off. They said they tried contacting me but my phone number in their system is wrong. I said, "that's weird because I got an automated call on my cell phone last night confirming my appointment." I was really bummed out! We asked if anyone else could see me. The receptionist told me all the doc's were out of the office except Paul the midwife. We asked if he could see me. He ended up being very nice and accommadating. We listened to the heart beat and for an early mothers day gift he did a short ultrasound of us. I just wanted an official confirmation that the baby was there and that things looked good. So in the end, it all worked out!!


Floats said...

Congratulations, Kelly! Now the fun REALLY begins:)

SoCalHirts said...

YEA!!! Congrats - we're excited for you:)

My life in a blog said...

Yay! That's exciting. And I didn't know there were male midwives, I mean of course anyone can be one, but that's cool! Glad it worked out to hear the heartbeat! :) The 2nd pregnancy is even more fun than the first!

Christa said...

Yea! How fun to get the ultrasound! Call me when you're free and lets go to the discovery museum and play in the water. Malia's out of school now, so we're pretty much free anytime!!! CONGRATS

Fisher Family said...

I am so excited for you guys. Congratulations and good luck with two :)

Mimi said...

I'm soooo excited for you! You seem like such a wonderful mom and Cruz will be a great big brother. You're spacing is about the same as my kids are spaced - it is always an adjustment but has worked great for us. Good luck!