Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Weekend

Cruz, myself, and my mom came up to Idaho on Tuesday this week for the upcoming 4th of July weekend. Shawn rode his motorcycle up on Thursday night and the rest of the Raddon family arrived at various times of the evening between Wednesday and Thursday. All 19 of us have been together for Friday, Saturday, and tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather hasn't been too great, but we have made the best of it! Yesterday we tried to get a good family picture. My camera wasn't used for the entire family picture but I did take one of Grandma Raddon and all of her grandkids.

Today we all drove over to Victor, Idaho for a 4th of July parade. Cruz wasn't feeling to great so he basically sat in Shawn's arms or on my lap. Although I was sad he wasn't feeling wonderful, it was kind of nice just to sit and hold him. He would clap for the horses or big trucks but he wasn't running out to pick up the candy with the rest of his cousins. Cruz is such a little mover and shaker most of the time, I really appreciated some quality lap time! Victor had some tents and eating places set up in the park after the parade. We went over and got some lunch afterwards. The parade was nice and hot so we were all getting excited that we might be able to go out on the boat later on, but unfortunately the clouds rolled in and the rain came.

It has been nice to be with the family, a little crazy at times, especially getting meals on (mostly for my mom), but it has been fun. We have missed Grandpa greatly though! The absence of his presence is felt all the time but I know he is getting a kick out of watching his grandkids have fun in the place he enjoyed the most, the cabin in Swan Valley.

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