Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dinosaur Museum

We met some friends at the Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur museum. We thought they were still having their $2 dollar Tuesdays but unfortunately they stopped that last week. The one positive to paying more money to get into the museum was that we had the museum basically to ourselves. I had gone one time with Cruz last summer on a $2 dollar Tuesday and it was complete chaos. Today we got to spend our time looking at all the bones, digging in the sand, and playing in the big sandboxes they had at the end of the exhibit. Cruz had a really good time with his friends Gavin and Easton.

Today was a good day for Cruz because after nap he had a haircut appointment. Cruz loves to get his haircut. He desperately needed it, he was getting to look a a little shaggy. He did great again for his haircut!

One funny thing that Cruz is into lately, gum! He loves to chew gum and he is really good at it. He will chew and chew and chew until I make him spit it out. It just looks really funny to me to see this little 2 year old chomping away!

Lining up all the toy dinosaurs!

Going crazy in the sandbox! :)


Utah Peterson's said...

This looks fun. We'll have to try it out just for the sand boxes! Cruz's haircut is very cute!

My life in a blog said...

Oh man, you should be glad you didn't go in August, it was a ZOO on $2 Tues! Better to pay the extra $ and have the place to yourself! I can't believe how grown up he is!! :)