Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Katie, Nicholas, and Clara flew into town for their spring break week. Today was a snowy day in Utah so Grandma Raddon and I decided to take the kids to the aquariam. Katie went shopping and to lunch with her mom and Ali had a tennis match so we took Nicholas, Clara, and Walt (he is out of school this week too) and Cruz and Alegra too. Adults were definitely outnumbered. When we showed up at the aquariam I thought we were nuts to go in because it seemed like everyone else in Utah had the same idea. We decided to risk it though and the kids had a blast. We had our hands full and constantly counting kids, but we had fun! Afterwards we all went to Chick Fila for lunch. Cruz had a blast being with his cousins!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alegra's 4 month appointment

Alegra is 4 months 8 days old today and she went to her 4 month appointment with Dr. Moskowitz. He kept commenting how alert and ahead of the curve she seemed. Our little girl is growing up (which I am happy she is making progress but said to see time fly by so quickly). She is 24.8 Inches tall (60%), 14lb 4 oz (60%), and her head is 41.4 cm (58%). She seems to be doing great. She is getting over a nasty cold she had and now all that is left is a rough cough. Hopefully that will leave her soon too. She is nursing about every 3 to 3.5 hours during the day. She likes her pacifier but she also likes to talk and coo alot too. She have been getting up 2 times a night since she has been sick and I am hoping that little habit will break soon! We love our little sweet pea!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Shawn!

Making daddy his fancy birthday dinner of homemade pizza!
Happy Birthday Dad! Gotta love these two!

Shawn turned 33 today. Happy birthday big guy!

Cruz got in Alegra's exersaucer, he is showing me his "crying like a baby" face!

Alegra was really good at her bouncy chair today.....look at the faces below, this little girl is already learning to stand her own ground, shouting back at Cruz, at least that is what it looks like!


Cruz's art project from school this week!

Some of Shawn's family came to visit us for a few days. They came in Thursday afternoon and stayed until Saturday morning when they took off for St. George. Cruz had a blast with Jennifer (11) and Emily (13) and also Aunt Rita and Uncle Peter. Cruz was very busy showing off for them most of the evening on Thursday. Shawn was able to take the girls skiing on Friday afternoon and the adults (+ Alegra) enjoyed a nice dinner out without kids (which we celebrated Shawn's birthday). Jennifer and Emily may never want children after watching Cruz, Wyatt, and Walker......Cruz and Wyatt can be a little crazy together :). Thanks girl for all the lego playing, picture drawing, playdo playing, book reading you did with Cruz.
Jennifer, Emily, Cruz, and Alegra!
Cruz helping me make daddy's birthday cake. We made a three layer chocolate cake. The cake didn't bake too evenly and so when we stacked it, it slid to one side. Instead of getting frustrated, a bought some brownie bites and put some orange construction cone candles on the cake to make it look like a mudslide. I forgot to take a picture but luckily Rita took a picture so I will have to get a copy of hers and post it later. We sang happy birthday to Shawn Friday night after our dinner out and enjoyed cake with everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Lately Cruz has been wetting the bed during the night AND at nap time. This seems so weird for him because he has been potty trained for a while and he has always been pretty good about getting up and going to the bathroom during the night when he needed to. My mom says this is not that uncommon during a change of season, but then I told my mom....Cruz has also pooped his pants twice in the last week...does that also happen during the change of season? Actually, the pooping his pants is because of some confusion in his mind. Both incidents have occurred when we have been outside. The first time I was on the back porch nursing Alegra. Cruz had gone over to the steps that lead down to the basement. I am not sure how he managed this but he was hanging off the railing with his bum hanging over the steps and he somehow managed to get his pants down far enough and hold on to the railing to get his bum sticking back and pop! I walked over when I saw him and there was a big pile of poop on the step and down his leg. I was SHOCKED! Two days ago I was loading groceries into the house when he pooped in his pants. I was trying to explain to him that people don't poop or pee outside. He said, "animals do!" I told him very firmly that people go inside to use the toilet. He is a smart one, that little kid. This morning as I was doing the dishes from breakfast Cruz stuck Rice Krispy Cereal up his nose. I turned around to see him putting about his 5th piece up his nose. I quickly got a Kleenex for him to start blowing it out. I am firm with him but in my mind I am kind of laughing at all these incidents. I know with children they are all bound to happen. Like when I thought I was loosing my mind because I kept misplacing things, but then Cruz one day showed me a secret hiding spot in one of the drawers in the living room and there were all my items I thought I had misplaced! He keeps me on my toes that is for sure. And I think back to the poop incident and there I am with one child latched on and I am trying to help another child off of a railing with poop running down his tell you the truth though, I wouldn't have it any other way! I love being a mom and it is the best way to try and have your mind stay creative so you can outsmart these little buggers!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The many faces of Cruz



shooting at me

getting caught in the act of doing something he shouldn't

Monday, March 22, 2010

4 months old!

Alegra is 4 months old. I can't believe it! I don't know if it was because she was born around the holidays or what, but the time has seemed to fly by. I can't believe she is 4 months already. She is such a cute, sweet, good baby. She loves to smile and laugh, especially at Cruz. She is still getting up in the night and lately it has been twice a night. She is just getting over a cold though, and I think she is a little off. Even though she hasn't felt great, she gives her cute little smile to any one who comes close! She continues to roll when I put her on her stomach but she hasn't rolled from back to front yet. She has pretty good head control and lately she wants to sit up all the time. She enjoys being face out in the bjorn and taking in everything. She still LOVES to be swaddled and if she gets fussy all I have to do is swaddle her and a few bounces and she usually calms right down. We love our "sweet pea'!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Our baby girl rolled tonight from front (tummy) to back! She was shocked at first and then she totally smiled! She did it 3 more times after I put her back on her tummy too!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Cruz and Shawn built their first skiing snowman together in the front yard. He is huge!
Sweet girl blowing little spit bubbles, she loves to do this!


Yesterday was an extremely snowy, cold day in Utah so we had friends come over to play. Before nap time our neighbor Jaden came over and for dinnertime we had Alex come over (along with Doug and Terena for dinner). It has been very nice having a little boy the same age as Cruz live right next door. He has lived there the last year but Jaden and his family will be moving to Florida this summer. We will miss his friendship and the convenience of having a close friend!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Back to swim lessons!

We started back into swim lessons!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Art project!

Last week Cruz made a birthday cake out of real frosting for Dr. Seuss and this week he made a magnetized leprochan!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


It was a nice day today so we went to the zoo in the afternoon.
Tryin' so hard on the playground at the zoo.