Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alegra's 4 month appointment

Alegra is 4 months 8 days old today and she went to her 4 month appointment with Dr. Moskowitz. He kept commenting how alert and ahead of the curve she seemed. Our little girl is growing up (which I am happy she is making progress but said to see time fly by so quickly). She is 24.8 Inches tall (60%), 14lb 4 oz (60%), and her head is 41.4 cm (58%). She seems to be doing great. She is getting over a nasty cold she had and now all that is left is a rough cough. Hopefully that will leave her soon too. She is nursing about every 3 to 3.5 hours during the day. She likes her pacifier but she also likes to talk and coo alot too. She have been getting up 2 times a night since she has been sick and I am hoping that little habit will break soon! We love our little sweet pea!

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