I can't believe how fast time flies, especially with number 2! Some things about Alegra:
-She goes down for bed between 7 and 8 p.m. and then I wake her up around 10 p.m., she usually makes it until 5 or 6 a.m., eats, and then goes back to bed until 7 or 8 a.m. Some mornings she is up at 6 but I like it when she falls back to sleep :)
-She doesn't have a nap schedule like Cruz did when he was this age, luckily she is flexible. She usually has a morning nap and an afternoon nap and she pretty much just dropped that 5 p.mish cat nap. One of those naps is usually on the longer side, like 1 to 2 hours. Today though, someone (I won't name names) kept waking her up!!!!!
-Most of the time if she is not too tired I can put on her mobile at night and she will fall asleep watching and listening to it.
-She is chewing on things and drooling, but so far no teeth.
-She really likes to roll all over the place, she can roll from front to back, back to front, and every which way. It is amazing how far she can move in a room from where I left her
-She can sit up on her own. She is getting better and better at this and I actually put her in a high chair at McDonalds and she did pretty well.
-She is still nursing and she nurses about every 3 to 4 hours. She usually nurses 6 times throughout the day.
-She eats rice cereal, oatmeal, fruits, and/or veggies 3 times a day too.
-She is not too much of a fussy eater, she likes to eat, and usually eats anything I put in her mouth!
-She is nice a chunky, and I LOVE THAT! She has these chunky little legs that I just love to hold!
-She just started figuring out how to pull the bows and headbands out of her hair!
-She laughs at Cruz no matter what (even when I caught him literally stepping on her)!
-She is usually pretty good natured and goes with the flow
-When she is tired she usually has this moan from the back of her throat rather than a full blown cry, it is kind of funny.
-She pretty much will still go to anyone too (besides that 1 week time period when she didn't like my mom, but she probably had one of her many ear infections at the time)
-She is going in for surgery on Friday to get tubes.
-She has had 6 ruptured right ears drums and at least 1 infection in the left ear that I know of. Lets hope those numbers diminish.
-She really likes her toy giraffe Sofie, and so does Cruz.
-She likes to kick at this bar of toys that is over her stroller.
-She loves to jump in her jumperoo
We love our Alegra girl!