Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update on Alegra

I took Alegra to Dr. Pete yesterday afternoon. He was shocked to see us because when he checked her right ear the week before it looked like it was clearing up. He checked and he said it was definitely infected. Then he checked the left ear and informed me that the left ear was super infected too! 2 ear infections, poor girl! Since neither of the 2 antibiotics have worked and she has actually picked up an ear infection (in the left ear) being on one of the antibiotics, he decided to go the strongest route. Alegra is getting a series of 3 shots. She had one Monday, we had one today, and the third is tomorrow. It is a powerful dose of antibiotic, and hopefully this will clear her ears up. Dr. Pete also gave us a referral to an Ear, Nose, Throat Doctor. I was very happy to find that Dr. Pete referred his patients to a Dr. Kelly. I have been doing some research and I have heard nothing but the best about him. And I know we are being taken care of right now because when I called Dr. Kelly's office today they had a cancellation for tomorrow, so we get to go in tomorrow. Usually Dr. Kelly is booked pretty far out even with a referral. We will find out tomorrow if he thinks we should go ahead with tubes or what our next step is. I just can't believe how happy Alegra has basically been with a double ear infection.

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