Yippee, they finished!

Marc, Cat, Shawn, and Cruz after they finished their LONG ride!

The kids waiting for daddy to cross the finish line! We made him a poster!
Shawn rode LOTOJA this Saturday. It is a pretty famous race that about 3,000 bikers participate in each year. Road riders start in Logan, Utah early Saturday morning and bike 206 miles to Teton Village in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was the first time Shawn has done this ride and luckily he had his good friends Marc and Cat Norman to ride with. Actually, the race organizers tear the start times so riders start from as early as 5:30 a.m. to as late as 8:00 a.m. Shawn's start time was about 30 minutes later than Marc and Cat. At about mile 80 he was able to catch up with them, and they rode together all the way! Shawn said it actually wasn't too bad, the hardest part was having his seat in that saddle for like 12 hours. Marc, Cat, and Shawn came through the finish line about 7:20 p.m. Marc's mom was kind enough to be their support vehicle. There are about 6 support areas along the ride but each rider needs to provide their own support (like water, food, etc) at each stop. It would have been a very long day for the kiddos in the car, so I was last resort to be their support driver. The kids and I dropped Shawn off in Brigham City with Marc and Cat on Friday afternoon and then we drove on to Swan Valley, to the cabin. We hung out and played most of the day on Saturday and then drove over to Jackson Hole (about a 45 min. drive) to watch Shawn come in. We are so proud of our guy! The rest of the weekend we relaxed, went on walks, played with Casey, and hung out in Swan Valley.

Grammy bought this garage sale walker for the cabin for like $2 dollars for Alegra but Cruz has taken it over as his car. I had a hard time getting him out of it this weekend, he loved it, and his baby penguins even rode on it too (his imaginary friends).

Alegra will no longer eat baby food. She will only eat food that she can feed herself. It makes getting enough food in her very difficult. She chews o.k. but she only has those 2 little front teeth so I worry about giving her lots of different things. Also, as of Sept. 12th she is officially weened from nursing. She takes to a bottle o.k., but she was just getting too busy to nurse, she wanted to check out everything else instead of nurse.

Cruz lovin' the razor (we call it Red)!