Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alegra giving me the evil eye through goggles

Kinda blurry but pretty funny! She loves these goggles.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lake Powell 2011

We went to Lake Powell this past weekend for some sun and warm weather. Last summer we ran into some problems with my moms old boat. She decided (along with some probing from her children) to turn her boat in for a newer model. We knew we would be getting the new boat from the Utah dealer sometime in June. A few months ago we picked a weekend to take it down to Lake Powell before trailing it up to Idaho, where it usually stays. My brother Rich flew in from California with his 2 kids, Nicholas and Clara. Katie stayed home since she is due in less than a month. Shawn and I and the kids took off Thursday late afternoon for Lake Powell. My mom picked up Rich and the kids from the airport and they took off about the same time as us. Grammy took Walt and Grant too. Russ and his girls were not able to join us until Friday evening. Ali had to go to Denver for the weekend, so she didn't join the crew. Rebecca and her roommate Egan drove down late Thursday night. We had a fun time on the Lake. It was about 100 degrees during the day and the water temperature was about 75 degrees. All of the kids had a blast. We knew we wouldn't have a lot of time at the Lake so we went the easy route. We stayed in a hotel right at Bullfrog resort. It just seemed easier than getting camping gear, etc all ready for just a few days. It ended up being the easiest with having lots of kids too.
Cruz swimming, he loves wearing his goggles
Cruz sitting on the back of the WakeSetter, he loves to tell people about the WakeSetter.
Tubing time! I love Cruz's hair in this! Having fun with Uncle Rich and Clara
Alegra on the surfboard
Alegra and dad on the tube
Cruz having some downtime! Shawn told Cruz that on Matt's boat that is where Yeti liked to sleep, so Cruz liked going there too!
Alegra swimming with dad, she loves the water!!!!
Tube Wars!
Naptime! Alegra was so good. She just went with the flow and when she would get tired around her typical nap time, she would just fall asleep on my lap!
My loves minus my big guy!
More tube time!
The kiddos with daddy!
Shawn jumping off a rock wall
Love the hair, 2 days of sun, no baths, sunscreen and more sunscreen!

So we had a great time and a great trip until about 5 p.m. on Saturday night. Russ had just gotten behind the boat to do some surfing, he was the last one to go before we were to head in for the night. We were just coming out of Moqui Canyon. We were going about 10 miles an hour and we were literally in the middle of the canyon (between the two canyon walls) and we hit a rock. Totally crazy!!! How in the world was this huge rock in the middle of the water (that registered really deep). It was just enough below the surface that we couldn't see it, but the boat definitely felt it. We all got rocked. It was very scary to say the least. We tried starting the boat and it sounded horrible. We weren't sure if we were taking on water, which was even more scary. Another boat came by and we were able to flag them down for help. They towed us out of the canyon and then the rangers towed us back to the dock. The crazy thing about the whole thing is there was tons of boat traffic in that canyon, I can't figure out how we hit it. The ranger told us that was the 3rd rock hit of the day. We actually were very lucky. In the other boat accidents the people were very injured. Luckily we only had one crying kid, Walt, but he eventually settled down. Russ, who was surfing behind the boat, ended up being o.k. too. He hurt his knee a little on something during those few scary moments. It was a terrible end to a great trip. But in all reality we are very lucky. No one was injured, and that is the important thing. We are all bummed about the boat, but that is just a material thing. We can hopefully get if fixed correct through insurance.

Alegra helping me make dinner once we got home!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

19 months old!!!

I can't believe it, but I got an email from telling me my baby is 19 months old. I copied and pasted the first paragraph that was in the email to me from babycenter, it describes Alegra to the tee:

"When you're out and about, your toddler's favorite pastime may be running away from you as fast as she can, squealing in delight as you rush to catch up. She's oblivious to danger, so you'll need to be extra watchful of cars, bicycles, and dogs if you take her for a walk outdoors. Keeping her strapped into a stroller is safest, of course, but that's not always where she wants to be. You'll probably have to compromise about how much time she spends on her own power, and build in extra time when running errands."

When she gets out of the bath she loves to run and hid behind the rocking chair or on her own little chair. She just giggles and giggles, it is pretty dang cute! Alegra is becoming such a little person. She really likes to be a goof ball, as you can tell from the pictures below.

Wanting to wear daddy's motorcycle jacket!
Alegra isn't a great eater, but she LOVES cottage cheese. She would eat the whole container if I let her!

Just can't get enough!!!
Grammy bought Alegra a little stroller at Target yesterday, the stroller is supposed to be for her babies!!! :)

Yes, that is a pacy in her mouth which Alegra loving refers to as "D". We have been trying to just give it to her at nap and bed, but that sneaky little girl goes and gets it out of her crib when she wants. My cousin told me a good idea though, at 2 with both of her girls, she would take them to the toy store and they could buy something at the toy store with their pacy's and then that was it. She said it totally worked with both of her girls, I might try that when Alegra turns 2!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Cruz has a little buddy in our neighborhood named Carter. Honestly, they are the best of friends and they LOVE to play together. They actually play amazingly well together. They have almost played together every day since school has ended. They are even in this little Kids Camp together down at the Rec. Center. We love Carter. It is nice because Carters mom, Kelley, and I are friends. We take turns having the boys so we each get a break too. It has really been nice for Cruz to have a little friend that he really loves to play with!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thanksgiving Point Farm Area

After Little Gym Graduation we drove over to Thanksgiving Point. They have a children's farm/barn area. Carter, Tommy, and their mommy Kelley were there along with some other friends of theirs. The kids had a blast going on a pony ride, taking a wagon ride, looking at all the animals, and playing in all the different barn areas they had that resembled the Discovery Museum. Again we had a gorgeous day to do this, perfect sunny and 70!
Alegra on a wooden digger, what a cutey!
Cruz on his pony ride!

Little Gym Graduation

Cruz's group of 5 kids finished their bar routine before the other 5 kids finished their beam routine, so the kids got to come up and take 1 turn and show 1 of their favorite tricks....this was Cruz's.....he was totally concentrating, and none of the other kids did this!!!

Today was performance/graduation day at Little Gym for Cruz. It was so fun to be able to go into the gym and watch what he has been learning hands on. They had a bar routine, a balance beam routine, and a floor routine. It was pretty cute. Luckily grammy came to watch Cruz and to help me with Alegra so I could take some pictures and get some video (dad is out of town or he would have been there too). Cruz loved performing and he has gotten so coordinated. Alegra was having fun playing on the mats too, and i think alot of the time she thought the clapping was for her doing one of her tricks :)!!! Good job Cruz boy!
Grammy trying to contain Alegra
Alegra found this little cave area to play in, she loved it!
Cruz getting his ribbon after all of the performances!
Showing me his "Ta Da" move.
Love him

Summer is here, I hope!

We have finally had some good weather. We actually had a perfect day here yesterday, about 70 degrees and sunny. That is what I call a perfect zoo day. I loaded the kids up and we headed off to the zoo in the morning. They had a great time!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood Ride!

I rode my first 100 mile road ride on Saturday. I signed up for the 80 mile ride but as we neared the 80 mark we decided to go the full 100. I need to thank the ladies I rode with Lindsey Nesbitt, Monica Myrick, Rebecca Raddon, Susan Adams, and Dori. We stayed together pretty much the whole ride and it really helped to take turns drafting. We didn't break any speed records but we did keep a pretty good clip. We stopped at rest stops and fueled up well and made sure to eat lunch. It ended up being a very enjoyable day. A special thanks goes out to my hubby who watched the kids all day so I could go do this ride up in Logan!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Doctor Appointment

I took Cruz and Alegra to the Dr. Pete this morning for their 4 year and 18 month checkup. I was driving the truck so I parked a little bit away (so I could fit into a space), on the way walking into the doctor, Cruz fell and skinned his knees REALLY bad. I felt so bad for him. I got the kids into the office and the nurse helped me put neosporin on and lots of bandaids.....not a great way to start the doctor visit!!! After that little fiasco we got checked in and ready to see the doctor. The kids did great. They unfortunately both had to have shots. Cruz had 4 (2 in each leg). He was really nervous and having a hard time. Between me and the nurse we basically had him pinned to the table. It was so sad and hard to do!!! :( He made it though with some tears. Alegra was next. She had 2 shots in one leg and 1 shot in her other leg. She was crying before it even started because Cruz was somewhat hysterical. He did calm down though before she got her shots so she calmed down a little before the screaming with the shots! :) Luckily the nurse was very nice and gave each of the kids some Tylenol, she asked if I wanted Valume :).

Stats on Cruz:
WEIGHT: 39lbs. - 73%
HEIGHT: 42.3 In. - 85%
DId great on his eye test and did really well on his developmental questionnaire

Stats on Alegra:
WEIGHT: 22lbs - 17%
HEIGHT: 32.5In. - 72%
HEAD CIRC: 47.5cm - 75%
She is tall and skinny right now. She hasn't been eating as good lately, but Dr. Pete said that is pretty typical for an 18 month old.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Toyson= Poison

We keep trying to correct him but these words are just stuck in his mind this way!!! :)

wa wa= water
wa wa= dog
wa wa =pacifier
mama = mom or dad
dada = mom or dad :)

babbling and then putting a "t" sound at the end of her words = I have no idea but she is really talking about something important