Wednesday, June 22, 2011

19 months old!!!

I can't believe it, but I got an email from telling me my baby is 19 months old. I copied and pasted the first paragraph that was in the email to me from babycenter, it describes Alegra to the tee:

"When you're out and about, your toddler's favorite pastime may be running away from you as fast as she can, squealing in delight as you rush to catch up. She's oblivious to danger, so you'll need to be extra watchful of cars, bicycles, and dogs if you take her for a walk outdoors. Keeping her strapped into a stroller is safest, of course, but that's not always where she wants to be. You'll probably have to compromise about how much time she spends on her own power, and build in extra time when running errands."

When she gets out of the bath she loves to run and hid behind the rocking chair or on her own little chair. She just giggles and giggles, it is pretty dang cute! Alegra is becoming such a little person. She really likes to be a goof ball, as you can tell from the pictures below.

Wanting to wear daddy's motorcycle jacket!
Alegra isn't a great eater, but she LOVES cottage cheese. She would eat the whole container if I let her!

Just can't get enough!!!
Grammy bought Alegra a little stroller at Target yesterday, the stroller is supposed to be for her babies!!! :)

Yes, that is a pacy in her mouth which Alegra loving refers to as "D". We have been trying to just give it to her at nap and bed, but that sneaky little girl goes and gets it out of her crib when she wants. My cousin told me a good idea though, at 2 with both of her girls, she would take them to the toy store and they could buy something at the toy store with their pacy's and then that was it. She said it totally worked with both of her girls, I might try that when Alegra turns 2!

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