Monday, September 19, 2011

No more "D"

So the Wilkens left on Friday afternoon and when Shawn came home from work that night he was like, "well, are we going to get rid of D?" I kept giving myself dates in the future to do this dreaded thing and the last date I said was after the Wilkens leave. I decided now was as good of time as any. She has done totally fine though, it has been a little shocking. On Saturday she asked for it a lot but we kept telling her, "D went bye bye." A few times she went and looked in the garbage. She had a little bit of a tough time going down for her nap on Saturday. but that was it really. We have the "D's" locked up in a safe place so hopefully she doesn't find it during this critical transition. So far so good though, lets just hope it continues. For a girl that LOVED her D's I am really surprised. If she couldn't find her's sometimes she would suck on a baby dolls that has one attached to the dolls shirt. None of that so far though.

One thing that I think might have helped is that for a few months now I have been saying D needs to go away. I guess maybe she understood that, amazing!!!

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