Monday, November 4, 2013

Stitches for Cruz :(

Today was off to a good start. I took Alegra to dance class and then the girls and I went to Costco.  We were headed home when I got a call from Granite Elementary. I have to say my stomach dropped when I saw Granite Elementary on the phone. They proceeded to tell me Cruz fell at recess and cut his hand pretty bad.  I drove straight to the school.  When we went in to get him his hand had stopped bleeding and it really didn't look as bad as I was expecting but he was ghostly white and looked like he wasn't feeling well.  I checked him out and I went and got him and the girls drive thru at McDonalds.  No one had eaten and it was 12:30.  I called Aunt Ali and she was home so I went over there to show her his hand.  She helped me wash it out and bandage it up. She was 50/50 on whether I should get it stitched or not.  I had called Dr. Pete's office right after I got the call from the school.  I asked if Dr. Pete did stitches in his office and they told me he usually taped and if a patient needed stitches we would probably have to go to insta care.  After going to Ali's I had kind of decided to not do stitches.  We came home and Lexi was so tired so I put her down.  After I unloaded the frozen things from Costco I decided to call Dr. Pete's office back.  They said they wouldn't charge me if I wanted to bring Cruz by to just have Pete look at it.  I had just put Lexi down so I was in a bit of a bind but I said I would bring him. I called Liz, the Milners nanny, and asked if she could stay at the house and listen for Lexi. Alegra decided to stay home and play with Jack.  I knew I only had about an hour and 15 minutes because Liz had to pick up Zoe from school. I really didn't think Pete would suggest stitches.  We went and low and behold he recommended stitches.  I tried to find someone that could watch the girls so I could just stay at the doctors and get the stitches done, but I couldn't find anyone home.  So, Cruz and I went back home to get the girls and then went back to Dr. Pete's office.  I thought he wouldn't do stitches but he said he would for us.  It took a while and a lot of tears, screaming, and kicking to clean the wound. It was a little crazy actually and sad but we finally got the wound clean. Then some more tears and thrashing and then Dr. Pete was able to get the area numb.  That helped!  Cruz was still nervous, but he did great. That does hurt to get a wound cleaned.   The girls were angels and just sat in the double stroller.  It was kind of traumatic for them to watch, but they did great.  Cruz got 2 stitches in the palm of his hand.  He has his hand wrapped in gauze and it is his right hand so he might have some trouble at school for a bit!  Looking back over the day though. I am so grateful it was a minor cut. In the whole scheme of things of what he could have hurt or done, this was minor.  I am so grateful we are blessed and watched over.
 It was good we decided to get it stitched because when we cleaned it out, there was some more gravel (cement in there), plus some of the fatty tissue was coming out, gross!

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