Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cruz's 8th Birthday!!!

It is Cruz's 8th birthday today.  Can't believe my little man is 8.  He challenges me as a mom and I have definitely lost my cool with him a lot but he is also so sweet and kind and loving (when he wants to be).  I am constantly trying to figure out how to be a better and more patient parent with him.  I love this kid more than I can ever express.

I don't know where 8 years have gone. I can remember going into labor with him like it was yesterday!

I think he had a great day.  I made a breakfast of his choice this morning:  eggs, with peppers and sausages all mixed together, strawberries, and orange rolls....pretty yummy if I do say so myself.  Then he went to school.  The girls and I went to school to cover his teachers job from 12:20 to 12:50. Teacher Appreciation Week coincided with Cruz's birthday so I volunteered to help in the classroom today.  It was awesome.  Then the girls and I waited for Cruz while his class went out to lunch recess, then they came in to eat lunch and the girls and I stayed and ate lunch with Cruz.  He wanted "lunchables" for his lunch!

He came home and got to play on the iPad some (which is his favorite past time right now) and then his friend Manny came over for a bit.

We met dad at Sushi Time (Cruz's pick) at 5:30.  After dinner, dad took Cruz to a basketball clinic that he had tonight.  When they got home from the clinic we invited Grammy over to sing to Cruz and have brownies and ice cream.

He was so happy today, I love this kid!!


 Lu working at the empty desk next to Cruz while we were in his classroom!!

 Loved seeing these 2 projects on the walls!

 Alegra and Lexi had a playdate at our house with Jocelyn and Katelyn while Cruz was at school. I thought it was so cute these two little sitting eating their chips together!!

 Opening 2 gifts at Sushi Time, the first, a watch!!

 His scouting stuff to start Cub Scouts!!
 Brownies and Ice Cream at night!!

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