Friday, March 25, 2016

Lexi turns 4!!!

Lexi turned 4 last Saturday.  She had a great birthday.  She invited Tyler, Matt, Deegan, the Hornings, and Walker and Elle to Get Air to jump, have pizza, cake, and open presents.  I can't believe my baby is 4!!!

 On Friday she wanted to get her hair cut for her birthday, so we went to have it cut!
We also made a Lemon birthday cake for her on Friday with a paw on it for her "Paw Patrol" themed birthday party!!

 Saturday morning excitement!!!
She was REALLY EXCITED for her birthday this year!!

 Cruz had a bunch of friends at Get Air too because he had a birthday party for a boy in his class at the same time Lexi had her birthday party!!!

 Elle going for it!
 Lexi and her boyfriends!!!

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