Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Shawn's 40th birthday!

Today is the day Shawn turns 40!! Since we kinda did a big blowout on Friday and sang to him on Sunday (after Sunday dinner) it was a bit more mellow today.  I got Cruz up to make dad some pancakes (Cruz's specialty) before Shawn left for work.  While Shawn was at work we put some signs in the yard.  Also, I picked up some specially made "peanut pershing" (a Wisconsin donut) from  CREATE donut.  Shawn had to coach lacrosse practice tonight but I did ask him what he wanted for dinner and his request was Zao. So the girls and I picked up take out and had it here ready to eat a family birthday dinner when the boys got home from practice.  We got dad 2 new dress shirts and a new pair of shorts.  Overall, I hope he had a wonderful birthday and knows how much we love him!!!

 Picture from dinner Sunday night with the Rally's!
 I posted this collage on Facebook and instagram for Shawn's birthday.  I also wanted to send a thank you shout out to all his friends and family members that turned memories and birthday wishes in for his book!
A couple of the signs in our yard :)

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