Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Traumatic Morning

So last week when Lexi finished kindergarten we happen to be at the pet store.  They had these cool glow in the dark fish and the lady at the pet store told us they would be fine with a Betta fish.  We bought 3 flow fish. Well, yesterday Lexi woke up and found the pink glow fish floating at the top of the tank dead.  Major tears.  I had a feeling they weren't good for a Betta.  Well, this morning we had a traumatic scene.  There must have been a major fight last night.  We found Pick, Lexi's Betta dead, with the tail all shredded off.  One more of the glow fish was dead too and a guppy was dead.  We had a little funeral for the guppy and Pick and we buried them in the front yard.  We flushed the glow fish down the toilet because Lexi was very angry at him. We decided to get rid of the third glow fish because we believe they were the ones that caused all the problems in the tank. Everything was fine before them.  I promised Lexi when we get back from San Francisco we can get her a new Betta.  I must say, it was pretty tragic. All she talks about, draws, etc. is her fish and especially Pick :(.

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