Thursday, June 6, 2019


Cruz had a run in with a poisonous plant this past Friday.  It is kinda a funny/sad story.  He went biking with his lacrosse friend Bode, his little brother, and Bode's mom Carrie.  They went to Bobsled , a ride by the zoo.  Near the end of the ride Cruz's handlebars hit something and went sideways and he slammed his sensitive area right into the handlebars and went down.  He was rolling around in the flowers in pain.  Carrie, the mom helped him by giving him and ibuprofen and a snake.  I didn't think much about the rolling around in flowers part as he was very sore when he got home.  He iced his area and then went to bed - with no shower and not changing his clothes!!!  Right when he was going to bed I noticed a round mark on his check and was like, "that's weird", I did end up giving him a benadryl not thinking too much.  The next morning when he came downstairs I was like, "what!!!!" we need to go to insta care.  We ended up doing some research and 1st had Cruz take a shower and change his clothes.  Then we dosed him up with benadryl and put hydrocortisone all over his face and had him sleep.  He had these huge boils all over his face. It was the worst thing I have seen. Luckily for our amazing bodies and medicine he did get somewhat cleared up by Monday for school. Now we are just trying to heal the skin.  Good lesson about showering!!!!

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