Sunday, July 5, 2020

4th of July

We haven't been in Utah for 4th of July in 12 years (12 years ago we stayed around because my dad was sick :().  I wanted it to be special and fun in its own way.  Yesterday didn't disappoint and today Shawn had planned a little excursion with the paddle board up to the Uintahs.  Shawn and I started the day off with a nice ride up Temple Quarry.   Then we packed up our dinner and got ready to go.   The night before Alegra had put these tiny buns all over her head and her hair turned out really curly!  She was proud of herself.

 Cruz ran away right when we were leaving to go up to the Uintahs so unfortunately he was not with us for this family adventure.
 Olive totally took over in the back seat.
 We drove up to the Uintahs and then got on this dirt road for about 5 miles.  From there we walked in about a half a mile to this nice pond/lake.  Shawn and the girls had fun getting out on the paddle board. They saw lots of animals in the water - tadpoles, snake, water lizard, water lilies, and leeches, yuck!

 The meadow was so pretty!

We brought our grill and had our 4th of July bbq -brats, chips and salsa, watermelon -yum!!

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