Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve (December 23rd)

 The Raddon's, Grammy, and us decided to move Christmas Eve and Christmas Day up a day since we are leaving for Mexico early Christmas Day!  We had a nice evening at Raddon's. We kept it simple and ordered pizzas and salads from The Pie.  Then we played our annual White Elephant game. We had Georgia's boyfriend Kylen there, Walts girlfriend Ara there, and the rest of us.  

Lexi and Shawn finished this puzzle just in time to be able to give it to our friend Curt for Christmas, he is watching Olive while we are in Mexico.
Kid but not so kid table!
The table :)
White Elephant fun!

At the end of the night I made a passing comment to not forget passports and that started a WHOLE bunch of drama.  Georgia realized she left her passport in NY and when Ali decided to double check hers was not with theirs, realized all the adopted kids passports were expired, WHAT????????  As of this morning (December 24th) Georgia luckily found a friend that could get into her apartment in NY, find her passport, and happen to be flying to Utah today -TOTAL MIRACLE.  As for the other kids, Russ will fly with them tonight to San Diego where they will walk over a bridge to Tijuana to get on a flight in the morning from Tijuana to Puerta Vallarta, total drama, but I hope we all get to Mexico!!!

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