Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Catch up!

 The pictures loaded in random order for some reason, so Ill try to catch up!

Last Thursday, Cruz and Alegra got to go with Bella and Bentley and the Hansens to the Jordan River Temple to do baptisms.  They had a great time!
Lexi has been sick the last few days (she got sick on Monday when I was subbing PE so Shawn was luckily in town and could come pick her up form school).  She stayed home Tuesday as well.  
On Saturday Cruz got a haircut at a real barber shop.  He was really wanting to go to a barber. I love it because he went short, but I don't think he is too happy!
Saturday we took Cruz up to the bird to ski with his team and the 4 of us hit the slopes in the morning.  It was only 6 degrees out but I had so much fun skiing with Shawn and the girls!
(Lexi with her goggles on the entire ride up to the resort :))
Olive and I hiked Plinko with Micki this morning.  It was so warm and pretty!
Trying to see her tonsils!
I came out of the shower to find Murphy propped up like this on Monday.  We took care of him for 4 days while grammy went to Cabo with her sister, brother, and Penny. Murphy looked so humanish I had to take a picture!! :)
Cruz hooked Olive and Murphy up together on our family walk on Sunday.  It was pretty funny, Olive was walking Murphy!

More tonsil pictures!
Alegra had a scrimmage against her team on Saturday afternoon.  I literally walked in to pick up carpool with 10 minutes left of practice and watched her get pelted with a super hard shot.  Her hand was kinda limp when the ball hit is and I though for sure it was broken. It turned purple in a small spot and then spread (the purple) and got puffy.  Her fingers hurt too.  After we brought carpool home we headed to the instacare.  I was shocked to find out there were no broken bones after they x rayed it.  Basically a broken blood vessel and bruising. They did give her a hard cast thing just because her hand was so sore, but she was able to take it off by today (Wednesday).  She just has a bruised and slightly sore hand today.
Sick photos~
Last Thursday some of the girls on Alegra's team trains with this guy named Martin. They got in Jane's dress ups (the training is at her house in her sport court) and practiced the entire time dressed up, silly girls!!!

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