Thursday, May 25, 2023

Last Field Day at Granite Elementary

For work since they were short field day helpers I was able to be Lexi's group parent helper for field day.  Cruz and Alegra both supposedly had school today, but they didn't go, so they came and helped me. I actually don't think I could have done it without their help.  We had a special needs boy, Charlie, in our group and Cruz was amazing with him.  Alegra helped me figure out where to go to each station when the whistle blew.  Unfortunately, we had to take this kids to the gym near the end because of lightning. That was mass chaos.  The storm passed fortunately and the firetruck was able to come and spray the kids down.  Can't believe this was my last field day at Granite! 

Lexi has come so far and learned so much during her years at Granite!!!

And this is how I feel at the end of this month......super fun but kinda crazy with all the activities!!  

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