Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Lexi had a really rough day Sunday afternoon/evening.  She was feeling stressed (but didn't or couldn't verbalize it) so instead she took it out with physical aggression on her sister and was just being terrible.  Shawn and I tried to reason with her.  I was so happy Monday evening to come home to this nice note.  I do know she is such a perfectionist and wants to be perfect in all ways, so missing some school for an upcoming trip, is a BIG deal to her.  I need to help her realize these feelings and help her come up with strategies with how to better deal with her emotions.  

Today Lexi had to get this small growth thing removed off the top of her head. It was causing pain when she would brush her hair, so I was happy to get it off. They had to numb the area, clip it off, and then caughterize it. She was brave!  

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