Monday, March 31, 2008
My Little Man
It's a party
Friday, March 28, 2008
Happy Birthday to a wonderful man!
It is Shawn's birthday today so I thought I would write a little tribute to him. He is such an amazing husband and father. He has this quiet confidence about him that I adore. He doesn't shout out, "hey, I am doing this, give me a little credit!" He just goes about his day and does little acts of service at work, at home, with Cruz, for his friends. etc. He is probably the hardest worker I know. He puts in 110% at his job and then comes home and gives 120% with us. WIth the move, a lot of responsibility has fallen on his shoulders. Unlike me, he just takes it all in stride. Besides being an amazing husband, he is so dang cute with Cruz. When he walks in the door from work, Cruz gets this huge smile on his face. Shawn always takes him upstairs and wrestles with him on the bed. Shawn truly enjoys spending as much possible time as he can with his son. Besides being an amazing husband and father, Shawn is a great athlete. This year, between the birth of Cruz and moving, Shawn hasn't been able to participate in as many activities as he would like, but of course, no complaining. He is so strong and capable at any sport he does. I could go on and on, but Shawn is probably thoroughly embarrassed by now. Happy 31st Birthday Shawn!!
First Haircut
Cruz has this soft, thin, whispy hair. It is adorable, but lately it has been looking a little shaggy to me. I guess that is kind of the cool thing, but when he would crawl around on the carpet and it would get all staticy, it was HUGE!! I got a coupon in the mail to this kids hair cutting place in Draper and I took it as a sign to go take him in :). We went in yesterday and I had a blast watching him. The place had a little car for him to sit in and then you choose a movie for them to watch while they are getting their hair cut. Afterwards we got a certificate with some of his hair in a baggy and a picture. Cruz did great during the haircut. He was very curious in what she was doing and sometimes he tried to kind of duck out of the way. Overall, he did amazing and I thought for being such a mover it would be hard, but between the car to drive, the movie to watch, and the sound the razors made, Cruz did great. He looks like such a little boy now!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter Sunday
This blog posting is a little late. We don't have phone, internet, or television hooked up at our new house yet. Actually this is a topic I could vent about but I will spare you the details. Needless to say, I have been on the phone for at least 6 hours trying to get our service switched over...doesn't sound that complicated, thats what I thought!! As of Sunday (hopefully) we will have service.
We had a very enjoyable Easter Weekend. Shawn and I were given tickets to ski Deer Valley. We skied while Grandma and Grandpa Raddon took Cruz to an Easter Egg Hunt. He was thrilled to watch all the kids run around. Shawn and I had a nice Spring Ski day. Sunday we went to church with my parents. I was so excited to dress Cruz up. He had a new outfit..right down to the shoes. He looked so cute.
We are all adjusting to the new house. I think we all feel a little overwhelmed with all the projects we need to do/want to do, but I must keep telling myself to enjoy the ride. It has taken phone calls, etc. to get things set up so I have felt like I have neglected Cruz a bit, but he seems to be going along with the flow pretty well. He is so funny. He loves to take off his socks now. He also has this boat and he loves to kneel in it and make it shake back and forth. It is hilarious.

We had a very enjoyable Easter Weekend. Shawn and I were given tickets to ski Deer Valley. We skied while Grandma and Grandpa Raddon took Cruz to an Easter Egg Hunt. He was thrilled to watch all the kids run around. Shawn and I had a nice Spring Ski day. Sunday we went to church with my parents. I was so excited to dress Cruz up. He had a new outfit..right down to the shoes. He looked so cute.
We are all adjusting to the new house. I think we all feel a little overwhelmed with all the projects we need to do/want to do, but I must keep telling myself to enjoy the ride. It has taken phone calls, etc. to get things set up so I have felt like I have neglected Cruz a bit, but he seems to be going along with the flow pretty well. He is so funny. He loves to take off his socks now. He also has this boat and he loves to kneel in it and make it shake back and forth. It is hilarious.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Moving Day!
I don't have any pictures so far to capture the moment, but we are in the middle of a big move. Shawn, Troy, Sherri, Marc, Cat, and Tim helped us last night move basically everything out of our current home. This morning Doug, Scott, and Jeff helped Shawn move some stuff from a storage unit. Basically everything is at our new home, now it is a matter of organizing it all and figuring out where to put things....all in time, right? At least that is what I am telling myself to stay sane. We really appreciate all of our friends help that made the move go smooth. We have a few odds and ends things left to pack up and then we have a final clean of our old home. I have been sad this week about moving from our first home. It is a good thing, but I started thinking about all the stuff that happened in that home: Shawn and I moving in together after our wedding, painting the outside and the inside of the house, working on school projects, cooking fun meals together, watching flicks together on the couch, setting up our babies room, going through labor pains in our room, bringing Cruz home for the first time, Cruz's first bath, tub time for Cruz and Dad, the list could go on. I know we will create many new and great memories in our new home, but we appreciate the fun and wonderful life we had in our old home...thank you 10536 White Sands Drive!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Fun with Grandpa and Grandma Frye
Grandpa and Grandma Frye flew into town on Wednesday night for a visit. We put them to work though! Shawn and Rick tiled the laundry room floor of our new home. Kathy helped take care of Cruz and cooked meals. I tried packing up as much of our current home as I possible could. Where does all this stuff come from? We are going to continue packing up things this week and then we officially move on Saturday. I can't believe we are at that point, but we are all very excited. It was fun for Cruz to hang out with his Wisconsin grandparents. Thursday night Scott and Marc came over to help us take down our rock climbing wall in our back garage. Cruz had one last climb and then decided to take the motorcycle out for a little ride. We enjoyed our time with family! Also, a big thanks to Grandma for taking all the pictures this weekend.

Mr. Cruz reading his puppy book

The Rock Climber

Motorcycle Man

Drool Man

Grandpa Frye and Cruz, who is "SOOOO BIGGG"
Mr. Cruz reading his puppy book
The Rock Climber
Motorcycle Man
Drool Man
Grandpa Frye and Cruz, who is "SOOOO BIGGG"
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Too Quickly...

I can't believe our baby is 10 months old today. Time seems like it is going by too quickly. Shawn and I were looking at some newborn pictures of Cruz last night and it doesn't seem like that long ago he was tiny. It is truly amazing to me how much a baby learns and grows in just 1 years time. Cruz is starting to look and act like a little boy to me. I have loved every stage and I am constantly amazed by him. Things Cruz is doing:
-when I eat breakfast in the morning he stands by my leg and wants some of the cereal, he is just too cute and I can't resist him
-he is learning to play more independently with his toys
-he is figuring out how his toys work, for example he has this tractor and he has figured out how to make it go and he takes the animals in and out of the back.
-he likes to try and throw his green ball
-he can pull himself up to a stand very easily
-he walks around a room holding on to furniture or doors
-he has his 2 top teeth and his 2 bottom teeth and he is getting the teeth in next to those in (on both the top and the bottom)
-he likes to bite anything and everything, including my leg, arm, and shoulder
-he likes to hit things that make a sound like the garbage can, my leg, the table, etc., he likes rhythm, maybe he will take after his Uncle Ryan
-he has figured out that some of his bath toys stick to the wall and he likes putting them up on the wall
-he loves to laugh
-he likes to be tossed in the air
-he likes to drive his car in the new house
-the last week or so he has discovered that he loved the book "Baby Boo". It has been a lifesaver. I just give him that book now when we change diapers and it keeps him alot calmer. Before the book it was a serious wrestling match, and it became a little messy when we had dirty diapers, thank goodness for Baby Boo.
-he likes to pretend read books to himself
-he likes to play with the blinds in his room when it is time to take a nap, also he has figured out he can get just a little higher in his crib if he stands on the bumper, those will be coming out!
-he likes to stand on the dishwasher door
-he likes to pull the blinds, and when I say "no", he looks at my with this sly smile and returns to doing what he was doing
-he likes to throw his pacifiers out of the crib and watch where they go
-he can play in his crib longer without getting upset that we aren't coming in to get him
-he can say dada but doesn't relate that word to his dad
-when anyone coughs he likes to immitate them, it is hilarious, especially when we are at church
-he likes to babble to himself and others
-he loves it when daddy walks in the door from work, a huge smile comes over his face
-he likes to chew on cell phones
Things Cruz doesn't like:
-he doesn't like to sit in his car seat backwards when everyone else is facing the has turned into a real challenge
-he doesn't like his fingernails or toenails to be clipped so I have to strategically time it during a bottle
-he really doesn't like to nurse anymore, he is self weaning....we only nurse 2 times a day and the rest is formula
Foods Cruz likes:
-Graduate pastas
-soft granola bars
-gold fish
-small apple pieces
-small peach pieces
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I've Been Tagged
My friend Melanie tagged me a while back and I kept putting it off, then my friend Sarah just tagged me, so I decided to sit down and answer the following questions. Tagging is a way of getting to know people better. You answer questions and then tag other people to answer questions on their blog (I am just guessing at this so I think that is the correct definition of tagging).
5 things on my to do list (Tuesday):
1. Go look at tile for our new laundry room
2. Hopefully go to the gym
4. Pack up more things in the garage
5. Take a shower :)-some days, that is a luxury!
10 things I enjoy:
1. Exercising-running, biking, mtn. biking, etc.
2. Being a stay at home mom
3. Spending time with my husband
4. Beautiful sunsets
5. Reading
6. Traveling
7. taking a nap when it is raining outside
8. going to lunch with my mom
9. shopping-only when I need something and I have money
10. A yummy treat after dinner, preferably something with chocolate in it
Suddenly A Billionaire:
Although we just bought a new home, I would probably buy a home on the beach in California, a home in the mountains, and for Shawn a home on a lake so he could barefoot water ski whenever he wanted. I would buy a new car, probably a Range Rover, and then like Sarah, we would travel tons!!!! ....and maybe a boat too so we could play on the water.....I just got the wheels started, I better stop right now before I get out of control!
5 jobs I've had:
1. Worked at Banana Republic
2. Worked as a Lifeguard
3. Worked at a Commercial Real Estate Company-CB Richard Ellis
4. Various sales jobs
5. 5th grade teacher
5 things most people don't know about me:
1. I had a huge gap in between my 2 front teeth and I was so scared I would always have it-thank goodness for braces!
2. In high school I was named Homecoming Queen and Prom Queen
3. I lived in California for almost 4 years
4. I studied abroad in Jerusalem for 6 months in 1995
5. All the kids in my family start with the letter R-Russell, Richard, Ryan, Raquel (me), and Rebecca
I tag:
1. Maggie
2. Cheryl
3. Rebecca
4. Charlene
5. Crystal
5 things on my to do list (Tuesday):
1. Go look at tile for our new laundry room
2. Hopefully go to the gym
4. Pack up more things in the garage
5. Take a shower :)-some days, that is a luxury!
10 things I enjoy:
1. Exercising-running, biking, mtn. biking, etc.
2. Being a stay at home mom
3. Spending time with my husband
4. Beautiful sunsets
5. Reading
6. Traveling
7. taking a nap when it is raining outside
8. going to lunch with my mom
9. shopping-only when I need something and I have money
10. A yummy treat after dinner, preferably something with chocolate in it
Suddenly A Billionaire:
Although we just bought a new home, I would probably buy a home on the beach in California, a home in the mountains, and for Shawn a home on a lake so he could barefoot water ski whenever he wanted. I would buy a new car, probably a Range Rover, and then like Sarah, we would travel tons!!!! ....and maybe a boat too so we could play on the water.....I just got the wheels started, I better stop right now before I get out of control!
5 jobs I've had:
1. Worked at Banana Republic
2. Worked as a Lifeguard
3. Worked at a Commercial Real Estate Company-CB Richard Ellis
4. Various sales jobs
5. 5th grade teacher
5 things most people don't know about me:
1. I had a huge gap in between my 2 front teeth and I was so scared I would always have it-thank goodness for braces!
2. In high school I was named Homecoming Queen and Prom Queen
3. I lived in California for almost 4 years
4. I studied abroad in Jerusalem for 6 months in 1995
5. All the kids in my family start with the letter R-Russell, Richard, Ryan, Raquel (me), and Rebecca
I tag:
1. Maggie
2. Cheryl
3. Rebecca
4. Charlene
5. Crystal
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