Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to a wonderful man!

It is Shawn's birthday today so I thought I would write a little tribute to him. He is such an amazing husband and father. He has this quiet confidence about him that I adore. He doesn't shout out, "hey, I am doing this, give me a little credit!" He just goes about his day and does little acts of service at work, at home, with Cruz, for his friends. etc. He is probably the hardest worker I know. He puts in 110% at his job and then comes home and gives 120% with us. WIth the move, a lot of responsibility has fallen on his shoulders. Unlike me, he just takes it all in stride. Besides being an amazing husband, he is so dang cute with Cruz. When he walks in the door from work, Cruz gets this huge smile on his face. Shawn always takes him upstairs and wrestles with him on the bed. Shawn truly enjoys spending as much possible time as he can with his son. Besides being an amazing husband and father, Shawn is a great athlete. This year, between the birth of Cruz and moving, Shawn hasn't been able to participate in as many activities as he would like, but of course, no complaining. He is so strong and capable at any sport he does. I could go on and on, but Shawn is probably thoroughly embarrassed by now. Happy 31st Birthday Shawn!!


Kirkland's said...

Happy B-day Shawn! Welcome to the 30+ club. Kel, love the hair, did you get it cut? Beautiful!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Shawn!! What a nice post!