Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Too Quickly...



I can't believe our baby is 10 months old today. Time seems like it is going by too quickly. Shawn and I were looking at some newborn pictures of Cruz last night and it doesn't seem like that long ago he was tiny. It is truly amazing to me how much a baby learns and grows in just 1 years time. Cruz is starting to look and act like a little boy to me. I have loved every stage and I am constantly amazed by him. Things Cruz is doing:
-when I eat breakfast in the morning he stands by my leg and wants some of the cereal, he is just too cute and I can't resist him
-he is learning to play more independently with his toys
-he is figuring out how his toys work, for example he has this tractor and he has figured out how to make it go and he takes the animals in and out of the back.
-he likes to try and throw his green ball
-he can pull himself up to a stand very easily
-he walks around a room holding on to furniture or doors
-he has his 2 top teeth and his 2 bottom teeth and he is getting the teeth in next to those in (on both the top and the bottom)
-he likes to bite anything and everything, including my leg, arm, and shoulder
-he likes to hit things that make a sound like the garbage can, my leg, the table, etc., he likes rhythm, maybe he will take after his Uncle Ryan
-he has figured out that some of his bath toys stick to the wall and he likes putting them up on the wall
-he loves to laugh
-he likes to be tossed in the air
-he likes to drive his car in the new house
-the last week or so he has discovered that he loved the book "Baby Boo". It has been a lifesaver. I just give him that book now when we change diapers and it keeps him alot calmer. Before the book it was a serious wrestling match, and it became a little messy when we had dirty diapers, thank goodness for Baby Boo.
-he likes to pretend read books to himself
-he likes to play with the blinds in his room when it is time to take a nap, also he has figured out he can get just a little higher in his crib if he stands on the bumper, those will be coming out!
-he likes to stand on the dishwasher door
-he likes to pull the blinds, and when I say "no", he looks at my with this sly smile and returns to doing what he was doing
-he likes to throw his pacifiers out of the crib and watch where they go
-he can play in his crib longer without getting upset that we aren't coming in to get him
-he can say dada but doesn't relate that word to his dad
-when anyone coughs he likes to immitate them, it is hilarious, especially when we are at church
-he likes to babble to himself and others
-he loves it when daddy walks in the door from work, a huge smile comes over his face
-he likes to chew on cell phones
Things Cruz doesn't like:
-he doesn't like to sit in his car seat backwards when everyone else is facing the has turned into a real challenge
-he doesn't like his fingernails or toenails to be clipped so I have to strategically time it during a bottle
-he really doesn't like to nurse anymore, he is self weaning....we only nurse 2 times a day and the rest is formula
Foods Cruz likes:
-Graduate pastas
-soft granola bars
-gold fish
-small apple pieces
-small peach pieces


Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Cheryl said...

Reading this got me all excited for parenthood and having a boy! Cruz is such a happy healthy little guy, I loved reading this, love ya Kelly!