Monday, May 19, 2008


Carrie and Cruz and his crazy sunscreen hair!

This weekend we had beautiful weather. We tried to be outside most of the time. Cruz was so filled with dirt both Saturday and Sunday evening. On Sunday afternoon, we went over to our friends Tim and Carrie's for a farewell bbq. Carrie is going to Seattle for the summer. Cruz had sooooo much fun. There were 4 or 5 big dogs, chairs to climb on, hammocks to swing on, and friends to play with.
Cruz attempting to walk
Marc and Cruz


Carrie said...

I absolutely love how this picture turned out! Thanks for coming by yesterday. It was great to see the three of you and I look forward to seeing you later this fall. :) Carrie

Suzanne said...

I love the hair! It must be nice having some warm weather. We are still pretty cold here:)