We went up and did a beautiful hike up Big Cottonwood Canyon called Donut Falls. The colors are at their peak right now and it was absolutely gorgeous. The Aspens are this unbelievable yellow/gold, then there are the reds and oranges too. The drive up and the hike was breathtaking.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
We went up and did a beautiful hike up Big Cottonwood Canyon called Donut Falls. The colors are at their peak right now and it was absolutely gorgeous. The Aspens are this unbelievable yellow/gold, then there are the reds and oranges too. The drive up and the hike was breathtaking.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Zoo
Russ, Ali, Georgia, Macy, Grant, and Walt decided to come to Utah at the last minute. Russ has some business dealings here and the kids are off track so they all hopped in the mini van and drove from Denver to SLC in time for good ol' Sunday dinner of roast beef, potatoes and gravy, and some yummy fresh peach pie. Today we all went to the zoo. Cruz, my social butterfly, had a marvelous time with his cousins. It was nice for me because Georgia who is 10 and Macy who is 9 were like his little mommies. They loved taking care of him. Sometimes Cruz would ride in the wagon but most of the time he had to run all over the place like the big kids. He fell fast asleep when we got home.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Had a battle with the pavement and the pavement won!
Cruz feel off of a rock today and hit his face right into the pavement. His hands were kind of caught under his legs so he had nothing to stop the fall. Luckily it wasn't a huge rock but I still feel really bad for my little guy...one side of his face is pretty banged up!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wheeler Farms
Yesterday we met Victoria and Stella at Wheeler Farms. Of course, Cruz had a blast there. He loves that place and I love it even more because it is FREE!! They have cows, sheep, horses, ponies, chickens, turkeys, roosters, and geese. Cruz loves to go around and see all the animals. The other latest and greatest thing Cruz loves to do it turn light switches on and off. Whenever he sees a light switch he kind of complains to get picked up. Once I pick him up he tries to flick the switch, once it switches he just giggles at the lights turning off or on. He is loving seeing cause and effect and it is really cool to watch him understand it!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fun Filled Weekend
We had a blast this weekend. On Saturday morning we drove up to our friends parents ranch in Kamas, Utah. Cruz helped feed the horses, he brushed the horses, he helped clean their feet, he also got to ride a horse. Our friends, Jeff and Monica, have 2 adorable dogs, Luther and Manon, and of course Cruz had a great time with the doggies. Jeff and Shawn were able to do a road ride in the morning and then Monica and myself did a ride in the afternoon. The leaves are starting to change color and it was cool with a hint of fall in the air. I really enjoyed the ride. Cruz REALLy enjoyed being on the ranch. Thanks Jeff and Monica.
Manon and Cruz
Cruz watching Monica run the horse
"The Supervisor"
Our little cowboy!
Cruz petting the horse
Monica helping Cruz with his first horseback riding experience!
Taking it all in
On our way home from Kamas some of our other friends called and they had 3 extra tickets to the Salt Lake Real Soccer game. So, after a short nap on the way home from Kamas and a quick bite to eat at home we were on the road again to the soccer game. We didn't stay too long but Cruz had fun watching the game, crawling on the bleachers, and talking to the people in the stands.

Cruz and Daddy at the Soccer Game!!!
This morning was the annual Pedros Road Ride up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Shawn did a great job riding and Cruz and I monitored to make sure everyone was doing o.k. on the ride. Afterwards we all ate brunch up at Alta Lodge....yummy food!!
Wyatt and Cruz waiting for the ride to begin
Cruz running away from some of our crazy Pedro friends
Cruz waiting for dad in the back of the pickup truck
Daddy riding Little Cottonwood Canyon, good job!!!
On our way home from Kamas some of our other friends called and they had 3 extra tickets to the Salt Lake Real Soccer game. So, after a short nap on the way home from Kamas and a quick bite to eat at home we were on the road again to the soccer game. We didn't stay too long but Cruz had fun watching the game, crawling on the bleachers, and talking to the people in the stands.
Cruz and Daddy at the Soccer Game!!!
This morning was the annual Pedros Road Ride up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Shawn did a great job riding and Cruz and I monitored to make sure everyone was doing o.k. on the ride. Afterwards we all ate brunch up at Alta Lodge....yummy food!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Beautiful Weather

We have been experiencing beautiful summer/fall weather. It has been fairly warm in the daytime (mid 80's) but then it cools down to pleasant temperatures in the evening. I really love this time of year. Cruz and I were out playing in the front yard when daddy pulled up on his motorcycle. Whenever Cruz sees or hears a motorcycle he points and says "da". We have a book that has a picture of a motorcycle and he always points at it too. Shawn put his helmet on Cruz's head and it was so funny to see our little "bobble head" trying to walk around. The helmet was so big compared to Cruz's body. Last night we decided to pack a picnic and go up to Snowbird for a hike and dinner. Cruz did o.k. in the back pack carrier but he wanted to walk near our destination point. He gets really tired out but he usually pushes through and makes it. He is so interested in everything when we are hiking.....we don't go anywhere too fast these days!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Shawn, Cruz, my mom, and I headed up to Swan Valley for the weekend. We needed to winterize the boat before it froze up there and plus we needed to take care of a few things on the house. It was a gorgeous weekend. The mornings were rather chilly but by the afternoon the sun was out and it warmed up into the 80's. The trees are just started to turn colors and in the mornings you could definitely feel fall in the air.
Cruz doing a little rock climbing before dinner in Idaho Falls.
Cruz has decided he likes to pick up EVERY pebble or rock. He has also decided that he likes to try them too!
Cruz really isn't into his sunglasses too much but sometimes we like to force the issue because he looks so funny in them. When we do get them on him he usually wears them all funny too!
Mornings we were in hat and gloves by afternoon we had the boat out and bathing suits on. Cruz was loving the boat!
Cruz and Daddy driving the boat!
Grandpa Raddon bought this toy ATV for all the grandkids, Cruz was taking a little ride on it.
Cruz looks like such a little boy in this picture
At dinner on Saturday night, Cruz was really into his cottage cheese. He couldn't get it into his mouth fast enough. Every once in a while he will try to eat like a dog and eat it right off the table. I laugh when Cruz can't see me because it is the funniest thing to watch him do it.
Yummy cottage cheese!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
More Fair Pictures and Music Class
Shawn sent me the following 2 pictures from his phone. He took them last night at the fair. Cruz was so cute the whole time.

Today Grandma Raddon and Cruz started Music class together. Their class is once a week for 30 minutes and they get to play instruments and dance.....Cruz really likes to boogy!!!
We are having gorgeous weather today. This afternoon we met some friends at the park to play.

Today Grandma Raddon and Cruz started Music class together. Their class is once a week for 30 minutes and they get to play instruments and dance.....Cruz really likes to boogy!!!
We are having gorgeous weather today. This afternoon we met some friends at the park to play.
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