During our photo session in Wisconsin Cruz got a solo turn. I can't believe our little man is 17 months old (on the 5th of October).
Some things Cruz is doing:
-he seems to understand EVERYTHING
-calls for mom and daddy, can say ball or rather ba, and doggy
-LOVES dogs
-when we ask him to chew his food he smiles, shows us his teeth, and chews away!
-can point out his our your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and teeth
-likes his pacifier but we are going to be limiting his "pacy time" pretty soon
-still likes his 2 naps (I think because he is so busy he needs his rest)
-doesn't like to ride in a stroller anymore, likes to walk or run every place
-likes to make people laugh
-signs the sign "more" for everything!
-working on the other signs like please and thank you
-is eating everything we eat, loves to eat raisins, craisins, pirates booty, veggie pizza, veggie lasagna, popcorn, I really think Cruz is a great eater and he actually eats a ton!!
-likes to go around in circles with his arm sticking out when we sing "Ring Around the Rosey"
-likes to play with trucks and cars and makes the sound of cars with his lips when he plays with them
-goes to bed very easy at 7:30 and usually sleeps until around 7:00 in the morning, he is a very good sleeper
-Cruz has a favorite blankey, it is white and soft and he grabs it from his crib and lays on the floor with it when he is tired
-loves to go to the park, the zoo, Wheeler Farms, play in the yard, and be with other kids
I am sure there is more but it is not coming to me right now, all I know is I love my little buddy!!!