Monday, October 6, 2008

Wisconsin Day #1

Cruz at the playground at the Milwaukee Zoo!

We went to Wisconsin on Wednesday October 1st. Mostly all of Shawn's immediate and extended family live in the greater Milwaukee area. We flew to Minneapolis and then had a connection to Wisconsin. The first flight was about 2.5 hours. Cruz did amazingly well but at first he was bouncing off the walls. We were lucky enough to be put in a row with 3 seats and the flight wasn't full so the flight attendants were able to move the gentleman in our row to another seat. We didn't pay for a seat for Cruz because he isn't 2 yet! Shawn sat on the aisle and I sat at the window and Cruz kind of ran between us. We went through most of the toys during that flight but he wasn't loud or crying, which is very good. In Minneapolis we had time to grab some dinner and let Cruz run crazy around the airport. By the time we got on the plane Cruz had tuckered himself out and was "lights out" before the plane ever took off. That flight was only 45 minutes and he slept the entire way.

On Thursday morning we woke up to a chilly morning. We decided to go to the Milwaukee Zoo. Leigh, Shawns sister, and her boys, Nicholas (4), Max (2), and Caden (6 weeks) came over and we all went together. The boys had fun seeing all of the animals and little Caden did great. We came home for some lunch and naptime. That afternoon we took all 4 boys to a picture place to get the annual cousins photo! It turned out so cute. I will have to scan one of the pictures and post it to the blog. The boys did pretty well considering we had 4 under the age of 4.

The 3 boys checking out the Polar Bears
Grandma F, Cruz, Leigh, Caden and Shawn
Nicholas and Cruz sitting in an animal chair
Cruz loving the stuffed doggy

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