Friday, December 4, 2009

Projects and Pink!

Catching Cruz in a space out moment!

Cruz went to school yesterday. He had a little difficulty when I dropped him off but once the teacher distracted him enough I left. He really enjoys school but he is going through separation anxiety these days! He was very proud of his magnet/picture when he came home. He knew he wanted to put it on our fridge, that is should stick, and luckily the side of our fridge is magnetic and he could put it right where he could reach it. Thats more like our cheesy little man!

Some photos of Alegra, I promise she is awake sometimes but usually I am managing her and Cruz and can't get a shot in! I don't know if this girl will ever not wear pink!! :)

1 comment:

Fisher Family said...

What a pretty baby Kelly! She is beautiful. Glad you got the blankie :)