Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Our nice pirate and our sweet strawberry.
The nice witch, nice pirate, and sweet strawberry.

Finally, trick or treat night is here! It was so cute because Shawn was going to Home Depot at about 4 this afternoon and at first Cruz didn't want to go (which is kind of weird) but then we figured it out. He thought he was going to miss trick or treating. We assured him that he could go to Home Depot, come home and have dinner, and still be able to go trick or treating. It was fun getting the kids dressed up this year and this is the first year that Cruz TOTALLY got it. It was a rainy afternoon but luckily the rain stopped for trick or treating. The four of us went around together to our neighbors. Grammy came over to pass out candy while we were out together. Alegra and I came home after a few houses but Cruz and dad continued on. Our little pirate was so tired tonight at bed time, he had worked really hard! We hope everyone had a great Halloween, we sure did.

Mr. tough guy! Shawn was responsible for all the tatoos, makeup, and earrings, good job dad :)!

Cruz getting a ride in the wagon on the way home.


Cruz Jumping SOOOO High on the Tramp
Trucks, ready to work

Goodbye Honda, Hello Minivan!

Bye, bye Honda!

We traded in our good ol' Honda last night and picked up our Toyota Sienna Minivan. Yes, we are now a minivan family and I have to say I am very excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I had some trepidations in my head about driving a mini van, but then I told myself to get over it....they are so practical and convenient with kids, and so far I LOVE IT, and so does Cruz.

We took Cruz with us to pick up the minivan last night. He was so excited he was bouncing off the walls. When we drove away, he said, "Bye Honda, I will miss you!" And you could tell he totally meant it. About 1 mile after leaving the dealership he was out cold. He was so tired from all of the excitement.
Cruz asleep on the way home, more pictures to come of the new vehicle.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Fun Has Begun!

Trying to get a picture of the kids before we took off for school!
My nice pirate, saying "argh matty" and my sweet little pea!

Cruz dressed up for preschool today in his pirate costume. Alegra dressed in her Halloween Outfit thanks to Grandma Frye. Cruz had a little Halloween Program today at school and it was so cute. I took a few pictures before school and a couple at school. I love being a mom and I love watching these little programs.
Pirate on his way to school!
There are 9 little people in Cruz's Preschool. The program was so cute!
Cruz and his friend Jacob

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

snow and stress

This is what we woke up to this morning....
at least 5 or 6 inches

Cruz wanted to look at some toys on the computer this morning. I pulled up a page of Bruder trucks and he is usually pretty good at being able to put the mouse on the picture and make it bigger. I was busy helping Alegra with something and he came to me and said, "I am getting REALLY stressed out! I can't get the pictures big."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today is my dad's birthday, and if he were still with us he would be turning 75. I can't explain how much I miss him. The past couple of weeks I have been thinking a lot about my dad. My brother and their wives, Rebecca, Aunt Nina, Uncle Stan, Shawn, and I wrote down some thoughts/memories of my dad. I compiled a book of these thoughts with pictures. We gave it to my mom Sunday night when we could have dinner together. We all laughed, cried, and remembered him as we looked at pictures and read the memories. I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful father in my life. I love you dad!
1993, my Senior Year Prom.


Tonight when Cruz, Alegra, and I were driving to get dinner with Grammy Cruz says to me, "Mom, what happens when ants are in your pants?" I said, "what do you mean?" Cruz says, "you know, ants in your pants!" I said, "well, I guess you would get kind of itchy and have to move all around." Wise grammy then said, "Cruz, did someone say that you had ants in your pants today?" Cruz said, "Ya, Miss Valerie said I had ants in my pants!" The way he said that last line was like he was giving in or something. He was really thinking about what Miss Valerie had said to him earlier and the poor kid probably thought he had literal ants in his pants all day! CRUZ IS TOO FUNNY.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Alegra is 11 month old!

Alegra turned 11 months yesterday, 10/22. I can't believe our little peanut is almost a year. Some things that Alegra is doing:
*army crawls all over the place now
*loves to eat (pretty much anything too)
*loves to drink her bottle and she can hold the bottle all by herself
*she has 4 teeth, 2 top, 2 bottom, and she likes to kind of show them and breath in and is pretty funny.
*likes to grind her teeth
*likes to play patty cake
*likes to clap
*likes to say, "uh-oh"
*likes to play "peek a boo"
*likes to stand next to things
*likes to be held, but when you are holding her she likes to squirm
*loves to laugh at her brother Cruz
*loves to smile at people
*she has long hair over her ears that we call her "wings"
*she is a good sleeper (ususally a (9:30 nap for about 1.5 hours, 3:00ish nap for about 1 hour, and then bed about 7:30 and sleeps until about 7:30)
*she still likes her pacifiers
*loves to take baths, but we still can't lie her down in the bath because of her tubs

We love our little sweet pea, little lady, fuzzy, legs, and Alegra!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October Trip to Swan Valley

Cruz out enjoying a fall morning!
Friday morning right after breakfast I looked down the Snake River and I saw that momma and baby moose crossing the river. We could see them pretty good.
This beautiful eagle hung around our the cabin all weekend long.

Shawn, Cruz, Alegra, Grammy, and I drove up to Swan Valley late Thursday night. We had a wonderful time. The weather was gorgeous, the leaves were amazing, and we saw lots of wildlife. On Friday, Shawn and I rode our bikes over to Victor, Idaho. My mom picked me up at the Victor Emporium and Shawn continued on up and over Jackson Pass. We picked him up at the top of the pass and went down into Jackson to have lunch and do some errands. Our bike ride was awesome. I haven't been doing a lot of biking lately, so it was fun to get out on the bike and go on a ride with Shawn. The ride was so beautiful and to make it even better we rounded a corner and a huge bull moose was standing in the middle of the road. Luckily no cars were around and after he saw us he ran up the side of an embankment and back into the woods. I haven't been that close to a moose in a long time.
the moose running away
Made it to the top of Pine Creek Pass
Enjoying the view of the Tetons on the ride down into Victor.

On Saturday we worked around the cabin, getting it ready for winter. Unfortunately Alegra was running a fever and ended up throwing up Saturday night. She had a rough night Friday and Saturday night but today she seems more like herself. Cruz had a blast playing with Casey, Copper, and Todd and a new dog dad and Cruz nicknamed "Greenbay" because he had a Greenbay Packers collar on. I am not sure whose dog he was, but he was very friendly. It is so beautiful up there right now, that even if you are working doing chores around the house and outside, it is fun.

Alegra doing her "So Big!"
Alegra, pre getting sick!
Me with the kiddos and dogs.
We are so happy Grammy could come with us.

Yummy s'more time. We had lots of sticks from cleaning up the yard, so Saturday night we had a huge bonfire and made s'mores!

Cruz fishing on the Snake River. He didn't catch any fish this time, I think he needed his mommy to help him to get the fish! :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010