Saturday, October 23, 2010

Alegra is 11 month old!

Alegra turned 11 months yesterday, 10/22. I can't believe our little peanut is almost a year. Some things that Alegra is doing:
*army crawls all over the place now
*loves to eat (pretty much anything too)
*loves to drink her bottle and she can hold the bottle all by herself
*she has 4 teeth, 2 top, 2 bottom, and she likes to kind of show them and breath in and is pretty funny.
*likes to grind her teeth
*likes to play patty cake
*likes to clap
*likes to say, "uh-oh"
*likes to play "peek a boo"
*likes to stand next to things
*likes to be held, but when you are holding her she likes to squirm
*loves to laugh at her brother Cruz
*loves to smile at people
*she has long hair over her ears that we call her "wings"
*she is a good sleeper (ususally a (9:30 nap for about 1.5 hours, 3:00ish nap for about 1 hour, and then bed about 7:30 and sleeps until about 7:30)
*she still likes her pacifiers
*loves to take baths, but we still can't lie her down in the bath because of her tubs

We love our little sweet pea, little lady, fuzzy, legs, and Alegra!

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