Saturday, November 13, 2010


A little cat nap before the show!
Not the best picture of grammy but her and Mia before the show!

We have been looking forward to Disney on Ice for a while now! We realized Ryan/Naomi and gang would be here for the show so we all got tickets together. We left the babies (Alegra and Isla) with a babysitter and Ryan, Naomi, Mia, Sasha, Cruz,Grammy, and I all went to the 4:00 show yesterday. Cruz had a blast. He was starring the whole time and his back didn't ever touch the back of the chair he was too busy watching or trying to doing his light up thing. I asked him what his favorite part was and he said, "the whole was his favorite." So I said, "you liked the whole thing!" and he said, "yes!"
Grammy bought Cruz this twirley thing, he loves it!
The gang watching the show.
Mickey on Ice!
The costumes were very good and they had scenes from Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, Peter Pan, and Lion King. It was very entertaining.

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