Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey and more...

I am doing this post so I can remember how to do this little Turkey for next year.

I think this would be fun to do with Cruz and Alegra before Thanksgiving. It is just those Elmer Fudge cookies (1 whole, 1 half), candy corns for feet, hershey kiss for body, chocolate frosting dalup for the head, small red frosting, and white balls for eyes.

I wanted to also document all of Cruz's wonderful Thanksgiving art projects he has done at school. Some of the work is from home but the Pilgrim, the Indian baby in the papus, the teepee, the corn, the Turkey hand, and the Indian are all from school.

Poor little Alegra started pretty feeling pretty crummy by the afternoon of her birthday (luckily we had her party the night before). Last night was rough and she woke up super early. She has a lot of congestion in her chest, double ear infection, and her nose is stuffed up, kind of the pits. Shawn looked around the corner though and saw her sitting in the playroom by herself trying to put these goggles on. She was probably enjoying having the run of the room since Cruz likes to take everything away that she starts playing with. Another thing Alegra has just started doing in the last few days is head up the stairs. We hope she gets better soon! Look at those poor little eyes, you can tell she doesn't feel well.

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