We just got back from an amazing week in Maui, HI. We left last Saturday February 19th on a very early flight. We flew to Los Angeles at 6:00 a.m. We had about an hour layover in LA and then we boarded our plane to Maui for the 5 1/2 hour flight. The kids were surprisingly good on the plane. Alegra slept on both flights and dad did a great job entertaining Cruz with the toys he packed. With the 3 hour time difference we ended up landing in Maui with lots of time left on Saturday. We flew with Grammy, Aunt Rebecca, Uncle Russ, Aunt Ali, Georgia, Macy, Grant, and Walt (I refer to them as the Colorado Raddons even though they don't live in Colorado anymore). We met up with the other cousins at baggage claim...Uncle Ryan, Aunt Naomi, Mia, Sasha, Isla, Aunt Katie, Uncle Rich, Nicholas, and Clara. They were on a flight together that landed about 15 minutes before ours. A few of the gang went in the rental car with Grammy to do a huge Costco run while the rest of us took a shuttle to our condos. We stayed at The Whaler on Kaanapali Beach. We got to our rooms about 2:00 and had some time to hit the beach. Alegra really enjoyed eating the sand that first day!!! :) It was nice to stay in Condos because we got food from Costco for breakfast and lunches and then we would go out for dinner. It worked out fabulous!
SUNDAY- We got up and shuttled to church first thing in the morning. The Polynesian people are so friendly, we had a great time at church. We then shuttled back home. We rented a big suburban for the week. If we sat a few kids illegally in the very back, we were able to get to most places in 2 shuttle trips. Luckily everything we did was pretty close to where we were staying. The church was a 5 minute drive. We got back to our place changed clothes to hit the beach. Shawn and Russ decided to try boogie boarding. The only problem with the ocean that day was that it had a rather large shore break. Shawn learned that the hard way. He tried catching a wave but the wave threw his chest into the ground and toppled his legs over his back. Luckily he didn't get too hurt, but it did look pretty bad. We had fun building sand castles, walking on the beach, and swimming in the ocean and the pool. Actually that first day with the big shore break scared Cruz enough that he didn't really ever go into the ocean. Some of the days were calmer but seeing daddy get hurt and having those large waves the first day were enough to scare him off this trip. We went to dinner at Lainnahs, a very nice restaurant in The Whaler Village. It was kind of nice because there was this Whaler Village a shopping mall next door to our hotel with shops, a food court, and some nice restaurants. If we wanted something quick to eat or ice cream or something we would just walk next door.
MONDAY - It was Grant's 8th birthday. In our church when a child turns 8 that is when they are baptiized, if they chose. A representative from Russ and Ali's bishopric happened to be vacationing in Maui the same time we were there. Because that was the case, Grant was able to be baptized in Maui in the ocean...pretty cool. We had a little service in Russ and Ali's condo and then we went out to watch Russ baptize Grant in the ocean. It was very nice to have all the family there for this special occasion. After the baptism some of us went to a little fair that was going on about 5 minutes away from our hotel. I bought Cruz the cutest little Hawaiian short and shirt set. We spent the rest of the day at the beach and pool. Shawn rented a paddle board that day. We all tried it to. It is like a big surf board that you stand on and use a paddle to get around the ocean. The water was so clear it was fun to paddle around on it. Cruz LOVED the pool and he did a great job swimming. Alegra also LOVED the pool. We brought her little tubby and she just smiled as she splashed around in the water. We just had to be careful to watch her ears, she still can't get water in them which can be a little tricky. We went to dinner at this wonderful place that night called PacificO's. We sat outside and ate wonderful food. The amazing thing was we were able to eat dinner all together every night. That is pretty crazy to get 21 people in, but thanks to my moms planning that first day we got in Maui we were able to have wonderful dinners every night with everyone.
TUESDAY -We were scheduled for the first Whale Watch boat at 10:00. When we walked down to get on the boat though, there was a problem. We didn't have to pay for Alegra but she had to be counted for. Unfortunately, when we signed up she didn't get counted and the boat was sold out. Alegra and I got off but I was able to go another day. The group had a fabulous time on the trip. There are thousands of whales right around Maui at this time of year. We were actually at the height of whale watching. We could walk out on our balcony and see them in the ocean just from our condo. Shawn had his hands full on the boat though, trying to keep track of Cruz and trying to get photos of the whales. He did a good job though, Cruz didn't fall off the boat and he got some amazing photos. The rest of the day we played at the beach. That night we drove (one group took a taxi) to a restaurant called Sea House (close to Kehei). It was also amazing food and we were sitting up over the ocean watching the sunset and the surfers in the ocean, pretty picturesque.
WEDNESDAY - We rented another vehicle his day, actually a 15 passenger van. We drove over to a famous place to eat there called Mama's Fish House. Everyone we talked to said we had to eat there. The only time we could get in was for an early lunch, and Mama's didn't let us down. We then continued on to a hike that was about 15 minutes away from there. It was called Twin Falls hike. It was about a 1/2 mile hike into this wonderful pool and waterfall. We all got in and swam even though the water was a little chilly. This was the only day that was a little overcast and we actually did get a little rain on the hike. With all of the kids this was the perfect hike. Not too long, a great place to want to get too, and by the end it was raining so we all made it back to get into the vehicles. On the way home we stopped by Paia, a famous place to surf big waves, I think it is called "JAWS". Awesome to watch all the surfers ride those huge waves. I wish we could have spent more time in the town of Paia, it had the surfer-hippy feel, but the kiddos were ready to get back home.
THURSDAY - We had a fun day back on our beach and at our pool. It was really fun to take the day excursion, but then the kids really enjoyed being back at the beach and pool. Isla ad Alegra were so cute. Ryan and Naomi brought this tent thing and the girls just played in the sand with the sand toys and crawled around. They were so good. Each day Shawn and I would take turns taking Alegra up for her morning and afternoon naps. Cruz actually napped most days in the afternoon when Alegra went down. Between all of the excitement and the sun he was pretty tuckered out. It made dinner easier too when he napped! :) That night we shuttled to the downtown area of Lahaina (only about 10 minutes from The Whaler). There is this huge Banion Tree in the center of town. It was so impressive. We eat at a burger diner called Cool Cats that night. Some of us stayed behind and shopped at the stores. This town is the port for all of the Cruise Ships, so there were lots of stores to look in.
FRIDAY - My Whale Watch was scheduled for this day. Shawn was able to come with me since the company messed up the last booking. It was nice to have a little alone time with my hubby. I think it was nice for Shawn to have a little bit more of a relaxing whale watch too. We saw lots of whales (Shawn thought they saw more on the first trip) but it was still so incredible to see these massive creatures and their babies fairly close up. It was a 2 hour whale watch and it was so fun. It was my brother Ryan's 40th birthday too! Naomi had set up a nice spot on the beach for the family and we had fun celebrating that day too. The rest of the day we played at the beach and pool. That night we went to a Luau. We got layes that smelled wonderful when we walked in, had a traditional Hawaiian buffet, and then watched the Hula Dancers perform a show. Alegra was not feeling herself that night though. She (and we) and a rough middle of the night that night.
SATURDAY - Luckily in The Whaler Village there was a walk in medical clinic. We decided to take Alegra in to get checked. We had a red eye on Saturday night and I didn't want her screaming the entire flight because she had an ear infection. The doctor said her ears weren't plugged but the base of her ear drums and her throat were very red. He gave us some antiobiotics and by the middle of the day Saturday she seemed somewhat better. We were so sad it was our last day. We hung out at the beach and pool some more. Shawn and I went snorkeling right out in front of our hotel. I really wanted to see a turtle (they are popular in that area). My mom and I had gone a few days early and I saw a ton of pretty fish but I didn't see a turtle. We lucked out and right before we got out of the ocean I spotted a turtle. There is nothing like seeing a turtle swimming in the ocean. I would describe it as peaceful. It was super cool. I followed it for a bit and then I left it alone. That night we ate our last yummy meal of fish and pinneapple at the Hula Grill (in the Whaler Village). As coincidence would have it, a high school friend happened to be dining at the same restaurant with her husband and kids. I haven't seen my friend Angie since High School. The even more crazy thing is that she lives in Maui. I would have loved to know that before we went but I am so happy we happen to run into her (she actually spotted me first and I don't know if I would have recognized her because she had really short hair in high school and now it is long). Our shuttle to the airport picked us up at 8:15 p.m. We were able to keep Russ and Ali's condo until we left which helped, so we could take a shower before we left. The kids were so tired and Alegra was really fussy at the airport. She just wanted to be laying down in her bed. Cruz was asleep in the stroller all the way until we went through security. We woke him up at security but he was so out of it. He was shaking and running up to people and starring and then he tried bolting through security, it was funny but sad! Luckily once we got on the plane the kids both feel asleep. Shawn and I had a hard time sleeping though. We landed in San Francisco at 6:00 a.m. SF time and had an hour layover before we boarded our flight for home. The kids and I both feel asleep on the second flight. I have mixed feelings about the red eye. It was nice having the kids sleep....I think if I wasn't holding Alegra I would have been able to sleep, and I think I should have given Shawn a sleeping pill :). It was nice to have the day to relax yesterday at home and unpack. The kids were both so excited to see their toys too! Shawn was excited to see the snow but I was dreaming of those warmer days we just left!!! :) I love the ocean and the beach. It was so nice to spend a week in Maui with our little family, with our extended family, and to have those warm days to spend time together playing. 21 Raddon's with the 22nd Raddon being added in July by Rich and Katie!

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