Sunday, March 29, 2015

Shawn turns 38!!!

It was Shawn's birthday yesterday!!!  We didn't do anything too exciting but he did accomplish a lot.  He worked with his dad, Rick, to change out the columns on the front of our house from round pillars to square posts.  It updates our home a lot and it looks so much better.  It took them basically a day and a half to accomplish it (Shawn took off part of the day on Friday and Saturday).  Shawn and I were able to squeeze in a bike ride before dinner on Saturday night which was a ton of fun.  The kids had ski lessons and Lexi and I went up to Snowbird to ski for a bit while the guys were working.  We had a yummy dinner of veggie lasagna (shawns request), salad, and garlic bread.  I made him a cheesecake for dessert.  Although we didn't go wild and crazy celebrating his birthday he did accomplish something we have been talking a long time about, so that kind of felt nice :).

 Shawn opening presents...or rather the kids opening Shawn's presents!

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