Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Parent Teacher Conferences for Cruz and Alegra

We had parent teacher conferences last Thursday night for Cruz and Alegra.  It was Alegra's first parent teacher conference and she was very shy when we all went in to talk to Mrs. Genesi.  She had a great conference though and is really doing well in Kindergarten.  He class is 29 so I don't know how well Mrs. Genesi knows Alegra yet, but Alegra comes home happy and that is very important to me.  I  am trying to work with her on home on some of the skills she needs to practice and know by the end of kindergarten.  Cruz also had a great conference.  Mrs. Hamann commented on his "big heart" which I love.  He is doing great in 3rd grade and enjoys school.  He needs to slow down and take his time on his work and go back and look for capitals and periods in all of his work...that is one thing Mrs. Hamann really wants Cruz to focus on.  After conferences they each got to pick something (for a good report) from the book fair.  Cruz picked a magic pen and Alegra picked a locking diary. (We had gone on Tuesday morning to books and bagels at the school and they each picked a book then).

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