Sunday, July 9, 2017

Photo Session and Uncle Ryan in town

 Last week we came back from the big family reunion in Swan Valley on Wednesday evening. Ryan and Sasha flew back to Salt Lake City from Vegas.  On Thursday Uncle Ryan took Sasha, Isla, and Alegra to Lagoon (on a heat advisory day).  Cruz had a really fun birthday party and Cowabunga Bay and to go see Spider Man and Lexi and I hung out and did wash.
 Sasha had a photo session with the girls in the backyard on Thursday night.  On Friday I was busy packing up to leave for Santa Fe.  Ryan took Sasha, Isla, Alegra, and Lexi to Cowabunga Bay when Shawn, Grammy, and I were leaving for the airport (Cruz had another birthday party at Cottonwood Rec. pool with all of this friends).
 Uncle Ryan picked up Cruz after Cowabunga Bay and took them to In-N-Out for dinner and back to Grammy's house to watch Baby Boss in Grammy's bed.  The kids slept at Grammy's house that night.  Saturday morning, Uncle Ryan took the kids to an 11 a.m showing of Despicable Me 3 and then over to Willow Creek Pool for lunch and swimming.  To say it was always a party is an understatement.  So glad Ryan is generous with the kiddos and likes to have fun.  Macy took my kids home from the pool yesterday afternoon and fed them dinner at home.  She took them to her ward today in the afternoon and then Shawn and I got back from the airport at about 2:30.

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