Sunday, July 9, 2017

Santa Fe to Celebrate the Life of Uncle Dave

On Friday afternoon Shawn, Grammy, me, Rich, and Katie flew from Salt Lake City to Albuquerque, New Mexico (Rich and Katie had just driven down from the cabin the day before).  We arrived in Albuquerque at about 5 and drove straight to Santa Fe (about an hour and a half) to a location in the mountains for a dinner with friends and family of the Curtis's.  It was a nice smaller gathering where we were able to chat with most family.
Saturday morning this group (besides Grammy) got up and hiked Nambe Lake.  It was a beautiful 3 hour round trip hike.  My mom spent the morning with Susie and then Rich and Katie.  We picked up Grammy and then went to this fantastic lunch that hit the spot!
We had time to shop for a bit before we had to get ready for the Memorial Service.  I found this bracelet and now I am kicking myself I didn't buy it, dang it!
The Memorial Service for Uncle David was at the Presbyterian Church in town and then when it was over people walked over to the Cooking School for dinner and to talk.  It really was such a special service. Uncle David was a remarkable man.

 This is the front and back of the program.  His service really reminded me that I want to live life more fully.  He was so good at observing the beauties right around him, jotting down his thoughts about these beauties, and communicating with his children both verbally and written about all the ideas going on in his head. It made me want to make some changes in my life.
Sunday morning we got up to have breakfast with the Curtis's and Toliver's.  Shawn and Garrett saw each other in the lobby with the same shirt on.
Russ, David, Rebecca, and Farrah flew in Saturday afternoon just in time for the Memorial Service.

Our breakfast group.  Rich and Katie didn't make it and Farrah was still sleeping so Dave stayed back with her-otherwise this was almost the Toliver side.

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