Thursday, October 5, 2017


Yesterday on my way home from my PTA meeting I was in an accident.   It was my first big accident and hopefully my last.  I was stopped at the light of 9800 South and Wasatch.  I was going East on 98th South.  The light turned green and I started to go.  Before I could blink I saw this car right before my eyes and we hit.  The lady in the other car (I'm not sure what she was thinking) but she turned left right in front of me.  I didn't even have time to break and I believe she was trying to make a quick left turn in front of me.  The airbags came out and I have never smelled such a metally weird smell.  I actually kinda jumped out of my car because I thought it was going to catch on fire.  I was stunned and shocked afterwards BUT luckily not injured.  There was a nice man that stopped who was waiting to turn left behind the woman that hit me.  She never got out of her car and he was the one that talked to her.  He called the police and then an ambulance came and took her away.  I do hope she is o.k. but I didn't want to say anything that might even indicate that I was in the wrong.  I am just SOOOOOOOO grateful the kids weren't with me and that I am o.k.  I think the minivan is totaled.  Both cars had to get taken away and I couldn't even open the sliding doors on the mini van because it had gotten off track.  It was so scary and so fast!  I called Shawn and he was able to leave work and come be with me. I am so grateful for that!  I was just so happy I could kiss my kids goodnight last night!  Thank you Heavenly Father and my guardian angels for keeping me safe!

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