Friday, November 17, 2017

Alegra's birthday party!!!

Alegra was really excited for her birthday.  The only problem is, she couldn't figure out what she wanted to do.  We didn't do a party last year so she really wanted an awesome party.  I kinda threw out all the standard but she really didn't seem that interested.  Then, I found a cosmetology school in Lehi that had a birthday package.  Each girl would get her hair done, makeup, and nails painted for $7.  Alegra wanted to invite about 12 or 13 girls, which I wasn't sure how we would transport but then I asked Russ if we could borrow his van.  So Alegra and I passed out invitations on Monday night for her party tonight (Friday).  It ended up being so fun! Alegra helped me make cupcakes last night.  

 Shawn drove most of the girls in the van and then I took the Yukon with Cruz, Bentley, Lexi, and Zoe.

 The school was bigger than I had imagined and all the girls went right away with a student.  The girls got the royal treatment.
 We had to talk Lexi into doing it!
 The cosmetology students worked fast on the girls.  Faster than I expected.

 The looked so cute!!!

 All the girls.  I had to tell them all they looked beautiful on the outside but it is more important to be beautiful on the inside :)
 We came home to open presents and then have pizza.

 After pizza we let the girls play for a bit.  Then we had cupcakes and finished with a game of heads up 7 up.  It was so fun and I hope all the girls had a good time!!!
Happy 8th birthday Alegra.  We love you so much.  I can't believe my baby is 8.  I can remember walking miles on these days 8 years ago trying to have you.  8 years has flown by.  I am proud of the kind, sweet girl that you are.

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