Monday, November 22, 2021

Alegra turns 12!!

 My baby girl is 12 years old today.  We have been celebrating her since Friday morning.  

Last Friday morning Alegra invited 4 of her friends over for a small birthday breakfast.  We took the girls to The Pancake House for breakfast and then a treat at the gas station before taking them to school.  They have late start so it was easier to do it on the Friday morning.  

Lexi, Shawn, and I sat in the booth next to them.  

Alegra's sweet friend Emalee gave her this cute pink cozy, now she matches Cruz!!

Sunday night we went to grammy's for Sunday dinner.  My cousin Nicole and her husband Mike and son Logan were in town visiting and some of Russ's family was over.  We were able to sing to Alegra and have apple crisp and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies- al her requests!
MONDAY - Her actual birthday. German pancakes for Breakfast!!!
I brought her Wendy's for lunch and then she took the bus to Granite after school (where I was subbing) and we picked up a Starbucks drink for a snack.  Tonight was GL soccer training with Swig cookies for her teammates and then home to Homemade insta pot mac n cheese, carrots, and brown bread.  Chocolate cake and singing for dessert. I'd say a pretty good birthday!

Some gifts: a North Face sweatshirt from Grandma Frye, Doc Marten boots from Grammy, athlete pants, a hydro flask, perfume, and a necklace from mom and dad.  We love this 12 year old!!!!

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